Are low carb diets a bad idea?

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I've been off the computer the last few days but what a good thread this has turned out to be, lots of different perspectives and ideas, its one of the best things about this website in my opinion.

I've battled weight (like most others) and have tried Atkins, South Beach, vegan, and most other diets. The bottom line is how many calories do you take in versus how many do you burn ? The quality of the calories isn't going to impact your weight as much as how its going to impact your bloodstream and internal organs. A heart healthy approach to eating involves low-fat, low sugars, and low carbs. Your body needs all three, just in moderation.

Jack Lalane (who I think is 97 and till going !) said it best. If it comes out of box, don't eat it, plain and simple. Processed foods are loaded with salts, sugars, and all kinds of crapola your body doesn't need. That can be a hard diet to stick to because of how we live our lives. If you look out on the web you can find "Calories per day calculators". It will tell you based on your age, height, weight and activity level how many calories you need to burn to maintain your current weight. If you are diligent and count your calories you should be able to lose weight by simply getting below that target by a few hundred calories per day. The trick is being honest about what you eat and writing EVERYTHING down, even those two Oreos you grabbed 30 minutes before bed last night :)
I'm afraid that wouldn't work for me Ross. I remember the days I had my braces tightened. I lived on milkshakes!
I've been off the computer the last few days but what a good thread this has turned out to be, lots of different perspectives and ideas, its one of the best things about this website in my opinion.

I've battled weight (like most others) and have tried Atkins, South Beach, vegan, and most other diets. The bottom line is how many calories do you take in versus how many do you burn ? The quality of the calories isn't going to impact your weight as much as how its going to impact your bloodstream and internal organs. A heart healthy approach to eating involves low-fat, low sugars, and low carbs. Your body needs all three, just in moderation.

Mind if I add a comment that low saturated fat, low sugars and low processed carbs is good idea. A good fat like olive oil, in moderation, should be a part of most diets. Not all fats are bad. Saturated fats = bad. Polyunsaturated/monounsaturated, not necessarily bad.

As to the carbs, I think we all agree white bread type processed carbs are not healthful eating .....which brings us back to whether one chooses to eat the good, healthy carbs such as whole wheats/whole grains/brown rice, or not.

Jack Lalane (who I think is 97 and till going !) said it best. If it comes out of box, don't eat it, plain and simple. Processed foods are loaded with salts, sugars, and all kinds of crapola your body doesn't need. That can be a hard diet to stick to because of how we live our lives. If you look out on the web you can find "Calories per day calculators". It will tell you based on your age, height, weight and activity level how many calories you need to burn to maintain your current weight. If you are diligent and count your calories you should be able to lose weight by simply getting below that target by a few hundred calories per day. The trick is being honest about what you eat and writing EVERYTHING down, even those two Oreos you grabbed 30 minutes before bed last night :)

I think the only reason fish is highly recommended is because of the Omega 3 fats. If you're not a fan of fish (me either!), you could try substituting with flaxseed oil or ground flaxseeds which are high in Omega 3s. Walnuts are also a good source :)

A : )

I am going to dig up my "Parmasean Crusted Talipia" recipe for you non-fish eater guys!

I was just like couln't get me to eat any type of fish except shrimp, because I refused to eat it if it tasted "fishy". This recipe & this type fish, is absolutely delicious! I fix it all the time & don't even follow the recipe anymore because of how often I fix it. My husband is a meat & potatoes guy too so I can't get him to eat this!
Norma!!!!!!! Do that now - I have talapia defrosting for dinner. I told my husband to brace himself, I was making us eat fish for dinner.
You are in trouble now

You are in trouble now

You know what goes good with fish ? Use it as a topping for a cheeseburger. :D


You are in trouble now!!!

Topping a cheeseburger, indeed.

Shame on you.

The only thing that keeps you from a thrashing is your avatar and the sweet little one, whose smile lights up your post.



You are in trouble now!!!

Topping a cheeseburger, indeed.

Shame on you.

The only thing that keeps you from a threshing is your avatar and the sweet little one, whose smile lights up your post.



Gotta agree with you Ms. Blanche.......this man needs thrashing for sure! Bina where are you????? :D:p
Ok, I've got to ask book. How old are you? You eat a similar diet to my husband - a meat and potatoes man, the more fried the better. His perfect meal is a hot dog and potato chips (which he classifies as a vegetable). He went years without putting on weight. However, as he approaches 50, it has finally started to catch up with him. He's 6" and weighs about 195 with cute love handles. Not really overweight, but since he spent most of his life around 170 and eating whatever the hell he wanted, I secretly enjoy the gain!
I'm 56 and the story my mom tells me is when I was 3 or 4 I had the croup and had to stay in the hospital for two or three days.When I got home they spoiled me and gave me whatever I wanted.I used to eat mostly fried chicken but I find myself eating more roasted chicken the last few years.Not because of health reasons just because its easier to make.Like I said it works for me.Most people would probably get bored eating the same things all the time.
OK, book, I found on another post where you said you're 56, so we can't write off your lack of weight gain to the mysteries of youth. Dang! Guess you're just one of the lucky ones. And as a card carrying member of the "Cholesterol is a myth created to earn more money for doctors and drug companies club", I can't even buy into the assumption that you might be hurting your body. You'll know for sure when you have a cath.
Had a CT scan and TEE the 15th of Jan.Find out the results the 22nd of Jan.Cholesterol has always been good.They say the new CT scan are 90 to 95 percent accurate for checking clogged arteries.Kepping my fingers crossed.

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