Ross said:
I think you've pretty much got the jest of how this forum operates now. There are places for those topics, but it's not here obviously. I believe it's possible to coexist without further complications now.
That's pretty low and mean...
This isn't the place to discuss anything that DOESN'T revolve around valve replacement surgery???
Well then in that case, you should close up the small talk forum.
Maybe the recipes forum and significant others forums too.
This site should JUST be fore patients and physicians who deal with issues revolving around heart valve replacement.
No discussion about relatives and friends with cancer, no discussions about current events (unless they're related to valve replacement) No discussion about pediatric heart conditions (unless they're related to valve replacement, oh wait, they COULD BE...)
What the hell can we talk about then?
Sorry but, for one, I'd like to be able to NOT TALK about valve replacement once in a while.
We are human, some of us have some pretty rich lives that go well beyond a bum heart valve. Some of us have opinions that are not only worth sharing, but worth listening to as well.
And some of us don't get out much. Some of us are on oxygen therapy, suffer from CHF or are wheelchair bound. Some of us can't leave the hosue when the air temperature is below 40 degrees.
We are all human Ross and sometimes we like to share things that don't neccesarily relate to the topic at hand, that's the nature of being human, the nature of communication.
If we can't be who we are here, why should we be here?
And if someone doesn't like what I have to say, no one ever said you have to read it!!!
By the way, that's my biggest beef with media sensorship. I you don't like what Howard Stern is saying, don't listen to his radio show.
If you don't like what HBO is broadcasting, don't PAY for HBO.
If you don't like seeing scantily clad 30 somethings "stranded" on a deserted island in front of a TV production crew, don't watch Survivor!
If you don't like Mel Gibson's movie about The Passion, don't pay the 7 bucks to see it in theaters or whatever the rental fee is!
Just sayin' is all, I'll go shut up now since I'm not talking about heart valve replacement issues.... Sorry for any inconvienience that I might have inadvertently caused anyone who's reading these forums on a dreary afternoon instead of reading a good book or tending to their gardens....