I am 58 yr old male with aortic bi cuspid stenosis. ( less than 1cm) Had an ablation 10 months ago and have had neck and headaches ever since accompanied by skipped beats. Anybody have that ? Feel like I'm dieing.
I am not sure if you have been on here before. I suggest you do a check in with your cardiologist if you have worries and are concerned about symptoms. If anything, it may give you peace of mind. He/she may want to monitor hook you up to a holter monitor for a short period of time. Hard to say what is causing your headaches. I suffer from migraines and auras and have now know that what causes my headaches. Wishing you all the best.
Definitely do see your cardio as soon as you can. If you have aortic stenosis with your valve narrowed to less than 1.0 cm2, the skipped beats may be related to your heart having difficulty forcing blood through the narrowed valve. At 1.0 cm2, you are very near the point where many docs would recommend valve replacement, and if that is the case, it is best to get on with it before any permanent damage is done to your heart.
If the headaches and skipped beats started with the ablation procedure, I'd start my conversation with your cardiologist there. When is your next scheduled visit?
This article is great I did read something similar on hopeforhearts.com.au A healthy lifestyle definitely helps when it comes to prevent heart failure and related problems Aortic stenosis symptoms are often ignored, always check with your doctor if you think something is wrong.