aortic stenosis without symptoms

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Sometimes the first symptom is sudden death with aortic stenosis due to ventricular tachycardia.

That happened to a guy I knew when I was younger. Before I even know I would have to have that same surgery. He was advised he needed surgery, but was in disbelief and terrified at the idea of heart surgery. He was very young (about 30) so its easy to imagine, that he thought he had more time. He put it off, wasn't ready mentally, emotionally to deal with it. He didn't make it to surgery. He died, very suddenly.

Myself when I was told I was getting close in time to when I would need surgery, the cardiologist didn't seem alarmed or that it would be soon. He said in a year or two. I looked for a new doctor and a second opinion. New cardiologist did an echo and said yes I would need surgery but not in a year or two, he was convinced more like a month or two. Surgeon scheduled me in the coming weeks. Afterwards he told my parent I was actually very lucky I made it there in time, that when they opened me up, I was in really bad shape. he literally said I was a walking time bomb. And I thought I felt fine.
When I was 29 and asymptomatic but had changes in my heart wall thickness and EKG I was scheduled for surgery in about 3 months. I was in post graduate medical training at UCLA at the time and I was to have surgery on the biscuspid aortic valve at Stanford with Norm Shumway who at that time (1977) was one of the pioneers in heart surgery and where I had gone to medical school . I was playing basketball in Pauly Pavilion one evening and fainted. Got up very quickly and bicycled back to my apartment. I decided not to play anymore prior to the surgery.
Happened to run into my cardiologist in the hospital and I mentioned my fainting. He freaked out and about two weeks later I had my first of 3 open heart surgeries. So arrhythmia is a significant concern.
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