Happy Christmas everyone,
Having read this excellent site for a few weeks now I've learned so much about the heart. I have a query maybe somebody could help me with. When I met my surgeon 2 months ago he suggested that I needed a mechanical valve replacement because my heart (LV I think) was becoming slight enlarged due to moderate regurgitation and also while he's doing that he'll fix a PFO.
He said now's the best time to do it as I'm youngish (33) and fit and so far no irreversible damaged has been caused to the heart yet. But I've heard alot of info about the Aortic root and aneurysms on this website which has me worried. Can I assume from his comments that my aortic root is fine and that only the valve needs to be replaced? I'm just trying to put my mind at ease because I won't see anyone from the hospital until January.
Many thanks
Gerard in Dublin, Ireland
Having read this excellent site for a few weeks now I've learned so much about the heart. I have a query maybe somebody could help me with. When I met my surgeon 2 months ago he suggested that I needed a mechanical valve replacement because my heart (LV I think) was becoming slight enlarged due to moderate regurgitation and also while he's doing that he'll fix a PFO.
He said now's the best time to do it as I'm youngish (33) and fit and so far no irreversible damaged has been caused to the heart yet. But I've heard alot of info about the Aortic root and aneurysms on this website which has me worried. Can I assume from his comments that my aortic root is fine and that only the valve needs to be replaced? I'm just trying to put my mind at ease because I won't see anyone from the hospital until January.
Many thanks
Gerard in Dublin, Ireland