Anyone watching the HOF football game tonight?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Just wondering if any of you football fans are going to watch the Titans and Bills battle it out in the first preseason game, here in Canton, OH at the HOF stadium?
Ross.....I see the game is not so popular!! I may turn it on just to see if the stadium is half full.....or one quarter full......or anyone there!! Should be some Buffalo fans.
Yeah well you guys weren't born in the home of football. This is where it all started, where I live. If you didn't see the game, the stadium was FULL. I only got to watch 2 quarters and the Titans were leading at that time. Have to find out what the final score was this morning.

Titans won. I should have bet on the game darn it!,-Titans-beat-Bills-in-T.O.-debut
I watched as much as I could...lived in Buffalo for 10 years before moving here, so I am a Bills to 2 Super Bowls, stayed home for the other 2! I must say I was worried about T.O., but so far so good!;)
This city is crazy during the Hall of Fame festivities. If your not participating in it, you try like heck to avoid going anywhere near it. Of course, the dental clinic is just down the road a touch from all of it. :eek:
Ross...I was amazed!! The stadium was full. I heard of so many people trying to sell their tickets that I thought it would be empty. Good showcase event for Canton.
Ross...I was amazed!! The stadium was full. I heard of so many people trying to sell their tickets that I thought it would be empty. Good showcase event for Canton.

It's a week long of insanity to be endured by residents. A lot of fun when your younger, and I suppose some adults have fun too, but man, the crowds are just crazy. Out of the 3 days of Balloon flights, they only passed over our house on the first. Scared the crap out of my cat. She thought those huge things over the house were hissing at her.

Here is the weeks worth of events if any of you care to check it out: