Anyone in their teens or twenties?

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I had Mitral Valve Replacement when I was nine years old at University of Michigan and I have a hard time finding other people my age who share my experiences. No one really gets it. Anyone around this forum in their late teens or twenties? I'd love to talk.
Hello and welcome. We have a couple around here somewhere. They don't log in much, but do show up from time to time. Weekends are slow around here, so give it some time. :)

coolkid17 just had surgery a couple weeks back.

These two off the top of my head.
I'm not a teen or twenty anymore, but I WAS!!! I had my first heart surgery when I was five (not VR). I got my first pacemaker when I was 7. I had my VR when I was 25. I'm 31 now, but I'm completely young at-- brain (I was going to say heart, but that's not really true, since everyone says my heart is much older than my years...).

Anyway, welcome! Feel free to PM me if you want. I'm a fountain of information, if not youth. ;)
Hello and welcome. We have a couple around here somewhere. They don't log in much, but do show up from time to time. Weekends are slow around here, so give it some time. :)

coolkid17 just had surgery a couple weeks back.

These two off the top of my head.

What ever happened to Nicole?, the girl from New York?

And don't forget the guy from Bulgaria.
His screenname escapes my memory at the moment.

Then there is Katie, age 7, who has had more surgeries than just about everybody on this site, her last 2 by Dr. Bove at the Univ. of Michigan. Her mom is "gijanet", plus a couple of mom's from England.

Wonderboy (or is it wondergirl?) - Who did your surgery at UofM?
You are absolutely right. People who haven't been through it, or know someone who has, are Totally Clueless as to what it is like. That is the beauty of a forum like this, we've all "Been There, Done That" and "We Get It!"

'AL Capshaw'
Stick with us -- late teens and twentysomethings tend to be doing other things on weekends. :D They'll be by here before long.

Hmmmm, maybe I should get a life. :( :D

Welcome wonderous one. :) Although now 54, my valve troubles were diagnosed at 6. No surgery until my 30's. I can though relate to visiting hospitals with worried parents as a kid and trying to get my young head round white coats and stephoscopes. It's something I grew up with much like you. To be frank, I was given youth status and kudos by my peers as the lad with the dicky heart and quite enjoyed it.
Just wanted to say hi and welcome,
my son is only ten and not had a replacement yet, although he will need one in the future they are going for a repair first which should be on tuesday.
Stick around because regaurdless of age, there are lots of great people on here that understand and can answer any questions that you may have, or will just listen when you need to let off some steam. All the best.
Hi, Justin doesn't post to groups, but he is my son who just turned 20 in April, he's had 5 OHS and 2 other heart related surgeries, the first when he was 10 days and last were last summer when he was 19 (he had a conduit revison/replacement and 10 days later a surgery for sternal infection.) IF you want to talk with Justin feel free to email me and I'll pass it on to him. also the forum at the adults with CHD org has a few poeple in your agee group. Lyn

ps great Tattoo, Justin just got his about a month ago
welcome on board

welcome on board

I'm 25, and had the AVR an year ago.

I have never been happier in the last 5-6 years, as I am now, since I did the step to the surgery in the earlier phase of valve/heart deterioration.

Now I play tennis, soccer, bodybuilding, working everyday, I'm a young politician and I still do my masters in the Technical University of Sophia (Sofia), Bulgaria, in the Engineering Design.

So, the point is that the valve replacament gave me another "birth" and I think I'm in love with my beauty cardiologist (she is wonderful women) :p

DO THE ANTICOAG THING and let the docs do their job - I want to give you an advice: if you believe you have a good doctors, don't ask them too many questions and don't tell them your "wise" opinions... This makes them veeery mad!

Be well,
What ever happened to Nicole?, the girl from New York?

And don't forget the guy from Bulgaria.
His screenname escapes my memory at the moment.

Then there is Katie, age 7, who has had more surgeries than just about everybody on this site, her last 2 by Dr. Bove at the Univ. of Michigan. Her mom is "gijanet", plus a couple of mom's from England.

Wonderboy (or is it wondergirl?) - Who did your surgery at UofM?
You are absolutely right. People who haven't been through it, or know someone who has, are Totally Clueless as to what it is like. That is the beauty of a forum like this, we've all "Been There, Done That" and "We Get It!"

'AL Capshaw'

Nicole is still around, just hasn't visited lately. I talk with her in email alot.
Pathfinder is now on deck as you can see. Hi Pathfinder. :D
I am now 31, but had my surgery 2.5 years ago at the ripe old age of 28. I had it right in your backyard at UCLA.
Hi. My son is sixteen and playing the waiting game. He leaves the whole heart-thing to me, and so does not frequent any of the boards, but I wanted to wish you the very best of luck. I've heard that the U of Mich is one of the best places to go for congenital heart surgery. Best wishes.
My son is 18 years old. He had his first surgery at 16 and 2nd at 17. He has certainly struggled with becoming an independent young man while going through this kind of life altering event. He was an off-road motorcycle racer before his surgeries. Unfortunately, his heart was permanently damaged before they figured out what was wrong and fixed it. He can't really ride his motorcycle anymore, but he does drive an off-road car now. He doesn't come on the forum, but we just live south of you so PM me if you would like his number.
Not there yet.................

Not there yet.................

but God willing we will be someday. Welcome to the group. Hang in there. There are several on here, but they are in and out. Brad White is another young un and I think somebody already mentioned coolkid. I second the achd group as you will probably find a few more there. P.S. We are a UofM fan, too, even tho we live in Texas. Hugs. J.
I'm in my 20's

I'm in my 20's

I understand you filling about not having someone to talk to you age. I had my AVR 2 year ago when I was 25! You might like to look at my post when I first started you might find something that would help. The thing that really got under my skin was people saying "Your so young". Maybe so but I'm going throw this anyway! Love to talk to you more.

In Christ,
Im 20

Im 20

Hey I understand the feeling of not having anyone to talk to of the same age. I had my first OHS when I was 10 and just had my second OHS... aortic and pulmonary valve replcement on June 20th. Please feel free to contact me. It would also be nice to have someone to talk to around my age.

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