This is what I thought. They said it was a government audit,

but I think they are just uncomfortible with me owning my machine, or something like that, and magically the audit started to happen. My PCP monitors INR so I may switch because they are easier to deal with. I do like my cardio, but I don't like the run-around.
I do find this an interesting reaction a disturbance in the little INR cabal here in my small town. Apparently, all cardios funnel warfarin patients to the main clinic in the hospital, which has the ONLY lab with an INR testing mackine in the small city where I live. All other labs in the area have to do a blood draw. Hell of a coincidence.

Being the independant person I am, when I was being charged $45 per test for my INR testing after having being told by the hospital and the insurance company that it would be $7.13, and having exhausted the insurance/billing/insurance route, I bought my own machine. My cardio approved it but I don't think they realized it was a purchase vs lease until it was too late. So I am independant and it looks like they want to have a claw in me to still get their little bit of flesh.
On one hand it is entertaining watching the antics of the health care industry frantically protecting "their hand in my wallet" priviledges when real choice is put in the hands of a health consumer. But on the other, it tic's me off being milked in this manor.
Thanks for the help, you guys are the best!