A middle aged farming couple attended a farm show and were looking at the livestock for sale.
The wife saw a huge bull and above the pen was a sign,
"Prize Bull - mated 50 times last year" The wife has a little snigger and digs the husband in the ribs and says "You could learn a lot from him dear !! "
The next pen had another bull, but this time the sign said
"Prize Bull -mated 100 times last year" The wife exclaims "Gee Whiz , you really could learn a lot from him too dear !! "

The next pen had a really huge bull and this time the sign above read
"Prize Bull - mated 150 times last year"
The wife is beside herself and really prods the poor husband in the ribs and says to him, "Dear , you really should go and ask the bull his secret!"
The husband replies,"No Dear, I think that YOU should go and ask him if the 150 times was with the same old cow everytime !!!"
The farmer was hospitalised , but expects to make a full recovery !!