Hi Katherine and welcome to the VR family...it's nice to have you here!
Yes, i've had many people who have made stupid statements that shows their insensitivity to what i'm going through. Both my aides say they would rather be me than them, since they have both been having major car problems. Now, i understand what it is like for them, since they both needed major, expensive car repairs, but i have major health issues and i could lose my life. When i've tried to tell them, they just brush me off and start talking about something else.
I have to go to Cleveland Clinic or Columbia-Presbyterian in NYC for a Food and Drug Administration Partner Study of the fairly new percutaneous aortic valve. I don't even know if i'll qualify yet as they won't be getting back to me for several weeks. Most of my friends tell me right out it's to risky and i'm stupid to have it done. What i can't seem to make them realize that without this i'm a goner, for sure. It's risky, but life is a risk, and when you're fighting for your life, sometimes you will do anything.
The most stupid thing that my one aide keeps saying is that it won't hurt me that much if i need surgery to have my "scrotum" broken during the surgery. I keep trying to tell her it's my "sternum". Good grief, i'm a woman. It takes all kinds, hehe!