Hi guys -
So I’m 3.5 years postop, and the dang PVCs / PACs are back. (Posted here 6 months ago about them)
It’s Day 16 of them.
Six months ago I went to my PCP, the ER AND two different cardiologists. No one took me seriously. (They didn’t even tell me how to use their Holter monitor correctly, so when I went in for the results they just brushed me off, saying, ‘They’re not really that frequent, and you only self-noted one episode, so...’ (The nurse had told me NOT to ever push the button, but I did anyway.. once)).
The thing is, I’m aware of them all the dang time, because it feels very differently from usual.
They’re double and triple beats, that happen every 3 - 6 beats or so; but even the ‘normal’ beats are pounding much harder than usual and feel unstable, not a smooth rhythm; my heart feels weak and like something bad is happening in there, lol - not sure how else to describe it.
I’ve tried deep breathing, even Buteyko breathing, meditation, but it is not an anxiety or stress thing, and unfortunately I don’t notice any change no matter what I do. (Taking supplements or not, drinking more water or not, exercising vs resting)
It’s just relentless and exhausting and I’m sometimes short of breath from them - I wouldn’t say severely short of breath for long periods of time... but it is still scary and I wanted to ask if anyone has any ideas.
It’s not sustained tachycardia, so I don’t think going back on Metoprolol is in order; my BP isn’t high.
If you have any idea at all or similar experiences, please let me know! (I need sleep.) Thank you!