For the uninsured, it's possible to get a meter on eBay - probably without a prescription. You may need a prescription for the test strips. You will need a prescription for the warfarin. (I have used warfarin that I bought from a pharmacy in India - I already had monitor and strips - and the warfarin I received yielded equivalent results to the U.S. warfarin. HOWEVER - it didn't save me much money when you consider that you can get the generics at a little more than a dime each). I know a doctor who trusted me enough to write a prescription for the warfarin (and I always offer to show him my spreadsheet - showing EVERY test, every dosage change, etc. that I've been keeping since I started self management). I was able to save some money on my first set of strips by asking the doctor to order the strips from a medical supply house, and reimbursing him for the charges.
So - it's possible to get a meter, it's possible to get the strips (usually with a prescription, but not always), it's possible to get the warfarin (I suggest the domestic warfarin) - but you've got to realize that if you're self managing, you REALLY ARE taking your life into your own hands. Although management and testing aren't difficult, not everyone seems to have the ability to do it correctly.