Any 24 fans here?

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Just had to see if there is anyone else here that is addicted to 24.

It's the one TV show that I absolutely have to watch. The first 4 episodes on Sunday and Monday were incredible.
Not a 24 fan - actually have never seen it. I was never addicted to any TV shows until this year when my SO made me watch all the back episodes of BattleStar Galactica and now I am awaiting the new episodes that start this Sunday. I now understand how people can get addicted to shows.
I watched it for the first time Sunday night, and I enjoyed it very much. I had every intention of watching Monday, but somehow it got past me!:(
Oh yeah, I am.....a missed the Sunday episodes but watched last night and hope not to miss any of the season
My nephew came over and said that Best Buy is selling the first 4 episodes of this season on a DVD. He missed Sunday night accidentally. He was the one that got me hooked on the show.

If you watch the show enough, you know that you can't predict what it is they'll do next. In fact right now, even the writers have no idea how the season will end. Who's have thought they would detonate a nuclear bomb in LA 4 episodes into the season???
I got hooked on 24 last year until I got tired of the predictable Soap Opera format that just makes one pine for the next episode.

I watched it through the Election and decided I'd had enough of the 'dead pan' acting and violent killings that filled EVERY episode.

NO MORE for me.

'AL Capshaw'

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