Another New Member

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Hi Everyone,
I am a new member.
I got my Mechanical Mitral Valve (St Jude) in 1997.
Got my first computer in '98
Found out about Home Testing last year.
Got my meter (Hemo Sense InRatio from QAS) last December.
Found 3 weeks ago.
Joined last week.
What a great website, so much knowledge, so much caring.
Just from reading posts and folowing links to references I learned a great deal.
Just wanted to say Thanks for being here.
Welcome. I also didn't find VR until about 12 years into my mechanical. It was great to not feel alone anymore.

Have you had a chance to check out ? It's Al Lodwick's site and we are fortunate to have him here as a member.
Hi Paul, welcome to this great site from another North Carolinian. I'm from Pinehurst and had my valve replacement up at Duke. Soon you will feel like part of the family too.

I love your avatar, Paul!
I'm glad you found the site and hope you become a regular.:)
Karlynn said:
Welcome. I also didn't find VR until about 12 years into my mechanical. It was great to not feel alone anymore.

Have you had a chance to check out ? It's Al Lodwick's site and we are fortunate to have him here as a member.

Hi Karlynn,
Yes, I have been to Al's site and already got my Warfarin Dosing Algorithms from him. Presently my Cards office is monitoring my dosage, but I plan to compare what I think with what they recommend with a view to eventually self dosing. And I plan to explore Al's site more thoroughly.
catwoman said:

BTW, does the mouse in your avatar use a mouse? :D
Hi Catwoman,
Yes, My Mouse uses a mouse. He does not like the keyboard.
Paul -

Paul -

Welcome to!

I think you will find to be one of the nicest and most welcoming message boards on the web (probably thanks to our fearless leader, Ross - who sets the tone for I have tried to be on a few other forum sites and quickly left - you won't find ONE nasty person here. is like family to me - wonderful people all around!

Christina L
No, not eaten a computer mouse. An Abyssinian kitten did demolish a mouse, though, by knocking it off the desk onto the wood floor in our other house. And then scooting it from one wall to the next.
PaulL said:
Hi Karlynn,
Yes, I have been to Al's site and already got my Warfarin Dosing Algorithms from him. Presently my Cards office is monitoring my dosage, but I plan to compare what I think with what they recommend with a view to eventually self dosing. And I plan to explore Al's site more thoroughly.

My PCP writes my warfarin RXes. On one of my visits, I showed him Al's algorithm chart and he was impressed. He leaves it to me to adjust my dosage. Once asked me how I would handle a specific patient (decrease or maintain dosage). My answer agreed with his -- maintain and retest.
If your cardiologist sees that you understand warfarin and what affects it and how to handle it, you should be able to start monitoring your own dosage.

The anticoagulation nurse at my former cardiologist's practice told me that it's the long-term users who are generally more successful with warfarin management than short-timers.
catwoman said:
My PCP writes my warfarin RXes. On one of my visits, I showed him Al's algorithm chart and he was impressed. He leaves it to me to adjust my dosage. Once asked me how I would handle a specific patient (decrease or maintain dosage). My answer agreed with his -- maintain and retest.
If your cardiologist sees that you understand warfarin and what affects it and how to handle it, you should be able to start monitoring your own dosage.

The anticoagulation nurse at my former cardiologist's practice told me that it's the long-term users who are generally more successful with warfarin management than short-timers.
Hi Marsha,
My PCP is the one who writes my RXes also. He is also the one who absolutely refused to prescribe the Home testing for me. His office, with 7 Docs, also has its own lab on site. That's where I used to get my Protime done. I still like him and will continue to use him. We just agreed to disagree.
I won't see my Cardio until December and I will show him Al's algorithm chart at that time. Meanwhile, after I test I try to figure how to adjust my dosage and then compare that with what the cardio's office says. I know that my Cardio's office has at least one other person who is self dosing.
Hi Paul and welcome.
It sound like you have a lot to offer to and I hope you stay around to learn and help.
Paul said:
My PCP is the one who writes my RXes also. He is also the one who absolutely refused to prescribe the Home testing for me. His office, with 7 Docs, also has its own lab on site. That's where I used to get my Protime done. I still like him and will continue to use him.
Could this be why he did not want you to home test - loss of income to the practice? It's a shame that the doctors still do not understand that home testing makes for healthier and safer patients.
I hope things continue to go well for you.
PaulL said:
Hi Marsha,
My PCP is the one who writes my RXes also. He is also the one who absolutely refused to prescribe the Home testing for me. His office, with 7 Docs, also has its own lab on site. That's where I used to get my Protime done. I still like him and will continue to use him. We just agreed to disagree.
I won't see my Cardio until December and I will show him Al's algorithm chart at that time. Meanwhile, after I test I try to figure how to adjust my dosage and then compare that with what the cardio's office says. I know that my Cardio's office has at least one other person who is self dosing.

If you really want the home test machine why not call your Cardio and ask him if he would okay it for ya.
Hi Paul and Welcome! I am also a North Carolinian, although rather new. We moved to Denver NC (a suburb of Charlotte) about five months ago. Glad that you found this site. I feel that all of us on this site are a family. We have something very important in common, and we learn so much from each other. Again, WELCOME.:) LINDA


hi paul,
just wanted to add to the welcome wishes. this is a wonderful site and i was fortunate to have found it the summer before joey's surgery.
everyone here, as you most probably know already, is informative, kind, warm, and supportive. most importantly, we understand.
glad to have you here with us.
stay well,
RandyL said:
If you really want the home test machine why not call your Cardio and ask him if he would okay it for ya.
Hi Randy,
You apparently missed my first post.
My Cardio OK'd me and I got My InRatio last December, been testing at home since then.

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