Traveler said:
I'm hoping to get out of bed before they let me. Why wait

It's always better to be in charge.
Do you remember Mr. Subliminal Man from Saturday Night Live? The same phrase would repeat under his breath, often in contradiction to what he was saying....... it's like the phrase "I must be in control of everything" keeps recurring for you. You gotta lose that! You will not be in control of anything. You really need to let them be in control. They actually know what they are doing. They are actually YOU!!! only dressed in green scrubs.
That doesn't mean your wife shouldn't be there to advocate for your needs. She must! She must keep an eye on how you are and make sure you get the attention. But being in charge??? no. you need to give up on that one.
When you feel the panic setting in, take a different approach. Look it square in the eye and say, Helloooo Panic!! How ya doin' today? And smile your biggest smile. Welcome it's parked at your sense in denying it! Not going anywhere....befriend it!
Sometimes I wonder if we women who have borne children just kind of understand all this a little better. We know that the body takes over and we are just along for the ride. We accept it.
Another thought. Put this all in perspective. How many months have you been a successful, can-do, Mr. dependable guy? Like a zillion months it sounds like. So what percentage of your life is this journey going to be? Like a really,
really tiny percent. Yes?? You guys love your much of a percent of your life is 2 little months (or even 3) going to be?
I've exhausted all my tricks on you!!

Maybe you can just put some headphones on and wander around for 2 days listening to Vivaldi!!
You're a good guy, Mark. It's going to be hard to keep you coming back here after your surgery because you'll have so much renewed energy you'll be bouncing around the planet and be back to your busy, full life. For some of us this place is addictive because we love "meeting" fun people.
It seems like you're determined to take the bumpy road to the OR doors. If you want a detour, you have to try some unfamiliar alternatives ....but I know there's a smooth, shady, straight-away just around the're getting close!!
