An emotionally screwed up day

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Yeap, that's what it is alright.

My oldests 28th birthday

My deceased moms birthday

My 6th AVR anniversary

I think I'll just go back to bed and let today go by.
Heck no... don't go back to bed. Celebrate the day to the fullest. Your son is another year older, you got to spend another year with him, you have lived another year, and celebrate the memories of your mother.
Heck no... don't go back to bed. Celebrate the day to the fullest. Your son is another year older, you got to spend another year with him, you have lived another year, and celebrate the memories of your mother.
Very well said - do as he says Ross!

And congratulations on being alive!
Yeap, that's what it is alright.

My oldests 28th birthday

My deceased moms birthday

My 6th AVR anniversary

I think I'll just go back to bed and let today go by.

Sounds to me like you have reason to celebrate?the birth of your child, the life of one who gave you life and the skill of the surgeons which allowed you to be with us?It is always a good day for gratitude and thanksgiving.:)
Sounds like a day to celebrate life if you ask me....

1) 28 years of life enjoed with your eldest
2) The memory of your Mom's life, who brought you life
3) Your still alive as a result of your AVR

Life is good.
You do have alot to think about today, Ross.
I hope the good thoughts outweigh the bad--hands down.:)
Well I know what it is, this lack of quality sleep and being rainy here right now just kind of makes my gloomy. Perhaps a few pots of coffee will get me together.
Why do I feel so .......dead? Anyone seen the sleep fairy anywhere?

Sleep might be a good thing . . . here you go.
Oh - but you are here to remember - that is what counts.

Also, it's the day after the anniversary of landing on the moon. Many accomplishments to celebrate.

Get out of bed - smile and know that we all love you.

WE celebrate YOU every day --- so hope you will get going and find plenty to celebrate today. We all get in our little down moments -- I know how lack of sleep can contribute to that.

3.photobuck home/sunshine.png

Heres the sunshine Ross to go with the wonderful celebrations
you are celebrating today........ENJOY

Well the coffee's brewing and the sun has come out to tease me between showers, so I reckon it might not be half bad. This date sure has had it's way with me in the past. Have my oldest's BD today, my youngests coming up on Saturday. Just one of those dates thats full of memories, some good, some bad, but they are all being thought of.
Ross, I understand your mixed bundle of emotions there. Also, happy 6th valversary. Happy Birthday to your oldest. Experience your memories of your Mom; sometimes it's good to remember, cry and laugh.

So maybe you grill a steak and have a big piece of cake tonight? After a few pots of coffee you may have the energy for it!

Sweet dreams, that is if the sleep fairy actually works out.
The sleep fairy must have skipped my house too!
My cats decided to party around 1:00am and then again at 5:00am what a racket....
Soooo, having a slow morning around here.

Ross, like the others have said, focus on good things today. You have cutie pie Talon to be thankful for.
Congrats on your 6 yr valversary!
Well the coffee's brewing and the sun has come out to tease me between showers, so I reckon it might not be half bad. This date sure has had it's way with me in the past. Have my oldest's BD today, my youngests coming up on Saturday. Just one of those dates thats full of memories, some good, some bad, but they are all being thought of.

Ahhh my friend, but it's life none the less! :)

Get up, drink your coffee, bask in the morning light, give thanks for the wonderful memories of your momma, the birth of your eldest & the upcoming birth date of your youngest & last but certainly not least, the re-birth of your life & grateful that you're still among the living. :)

We're all glad you're here w/us Ross!! :)

And don't let that guy (avatar) catch up to you!!! RUN!
Just thinking about July 22,1980. Lyn was in labor, I was trying frantically to get a hold of my dad who was home asleep. Mom was in Akron General Medical Center having yet more cancer surgery and it's her birthday too. I had to call my neighbor and have her go beat on the window to wake up dad. Without his hearing aid, he's stone deaf. Finally got to communicate with him and he came to the hospital to bring me a sandwich and keep me company until delivery time. Later that afternoon, Jeremiah was born. Mom just got out of surgery about the same time and was still well groggy from anesthesia. I remember telling her happy birthday and that she had a new grandson as a present. She thought I was playing some sort of evil joke on her. After telling her again and again, I had dad get on and tell her that he was at the hospital with me and that he had seen the baby and it was not a joke. I think it made all the difference in world as far as her recovery. She battled that disease from 74 to 97 before it took her. Funny thing is, she outlived most all of her friends.

Forward to 2002. Everyone is at Aultman for my AVR. I won't go into the story since it would take forever to tell, but it sure wasn't anything any of us planned on. For the new folks, I was in CSICU from 7/22 to 9/10 then in rehab from 9/10 to 9/20 before I ever got to see home again.

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