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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
Hi all,

I just can't believe how incredibly good my incision is looking, I just have to share. I don't know if this is how everyone's looks, but I am amazed at how the skin heals. I am attaching a photo, I hope you can see it. (Guys - ignore the cleavage!)

I am now 3 weeks post op, my surgeon did a limited sternotomy. My scar is a whopping 4" long - I can't believe that either. The only problem is I wish I felt as good as my incision looks - I'm sure I'll get there. Everyone keeps telling me how good my incision looks and how rested I look. The last few days have been alittle difficult for me emotionally because I don't feel as good as I'm looking. I know it will get better, but I am frustrated I’m not feeling better faster. To top it off a few days ago I had a nightmare I was back in the hospital with severe complications and no one was there to help me.

I’m trying to keep my chin up ....oh and I walked 1 mile today. I think I should be walking farther at this point. I’ve given myself a goal now to be able to walk my son to school (about 2 miles). I think if I concentrate on this it might help me deal with the not feeling so great. Ok, just rambling now.

Well, here's the photo.


PS: I hope no one finds this offensive...I don't normally post my cleavage on the internet. :eek:
It looks great. I hope you start feeling better soon, don't worry about comparing your recovery to others, each person is different and as long as you are moving forward even if it seems like baby steps that's what matters. I think a mile 3 weeks out it pretty good.
as for the picture itsself there are alot of pictures in the Tawdry forum showing cleavage.
Aw, jeez... Now you'll get Ross goin' again.

Mine doesn't look that good after 5 weeks. My surgeon says it's because it's the second scar there, but I'm thinking the cauterization method might not work as well for me as the good old zipper staples.

Best wishes,
So funny.....I didn't even realize to post in the Tawdry shirt section. I'll have to take another showing my small little drainage scar as well (was lucky only to have one) and slightly open shirt of course.

The nurses at the hospital said my surgeon was the only one who did this closure method (whatever it's called I don't know) - seemed to work well for me.

I’m trying to keep my chin up ....oh and I walked 1 mile today. I think I should be walking farther at this point. I’ve given myself a goal now to be able to walk my son to school (about 2 miles). I think if I concentrate on this it might help me deal with the not feeling so great. Ok, just rambling now.

Well, here's the photo.


PS: I hope no one finds this offensive...I don't normally post my cleavage on the internet. :eek:

LOL ... find offense ... LOL ... You are looking and doing great ... and you are right, it take’s time ... my scar is VERY thin, always has been, I was glued shut ... oh, and you can’t keep your chin up if you keep staring down at you ****s:D:p
looks really fine to me after three weeks! I had all those staple scars from neckbone all the way to down below - uh - there. very long scar but it healed nicely and yours will, too. just gotta give it some time. only one drainage scar? that's great. Mine kinda looks like two eyes.

as to feeling better, don't expect true feeling better for a little while longer. it takes some time because your body has been attacked!!! by knives and pokers and clamps and... well, you know.

I am impressed with that scar. Be gentle with are still early on in recovery mode. Thinking of you,
P.S. My surgeon did mention doing a mini-sternotomy with me, but didn't promise me anything. I guess it depends how well he will be able to see the pulmonary valve as well as the aorta. Were you informed that you would be getting a smaller incision?
Looking good....AND walking a mile....I'm embarrassed to say I can't even walk a couple of blocks (well I have some complications). You will be fine...just take it a day at a time....:)

P.S. My surgeon did mention doing a mini-sternotomy with me, but didn't promise me anything. I guess it depends how well he will be able to see the pulmonary valve as well as the aorta. Were you informed that you would be getting a smaller incision?

Yes, he did plan to do the smaller incision. He told me that only if he saw something else that needed attention or if there was complications that he would need to open all the way - otherwise it would be the mini. Also, he was only working on my aortic valve so I hope you can have the mini with him working on pulmonary and aortic.
If you know one of the other moms who drives her child to school, maybe you could give her a call and see if she's willing to drive you home from the school in the morning. Lots of times, people are more than willing to help out on occasion when they realize there's an easy good deed to do. Then you could walk your boy to school and only have to do the two miles, rather than the round-trip four miles.

Do what you can. You're not a slacker. Listen to your body, not the "should be's" looking over your shoulder. Everyone's recovery is different, and you are the only one who can tune yours to what your body is really ready for. At some point, you'll get your legs back under you and you'll surge forward. Until then, don't abuse yourself: just keep going at your pace and your distance.

Be happy,

Ignore the cleavage. That's a good one!

Seriously, that is a good looking scar.

I hope you feel more energetic soon. Consider a review of your meds. Sometimes they can slow you down.
