Second opinion well worth it!!
Second opinion well worth it!!
I haven?t been here much lately as I have been throwing myself into a new job but often think of the VR family and check in now and then to see how everyone is going. I just don?t get time to post very often.
Just thought I would give an update on a second opinion from a new cardiologist. I was not happy that my last cardio who wanted me start taking a beta blocker because my heart rate was higher than normal following my valve repair, and who was reluctant to discuss why, and what the likely side effects of the medication would be. Well my family doctor gets top marks for her referral to a lady cardio who is not only very knowledgeable and a specialist in heart rhythm abnormalities, but who is delightful person and very easy to talk with. A pleasant change poor listening lecturing cardio.
My new cardio advised that the previous cardio was probably recommending a beta blocker as there was the occasional odd extra beat originating from low down in my heart which showed up on a holter monitor. This she explained was pretty rare and many cardios would never see this in their practice, and as a consequence, would be unsure as to how to treat it. Her advice was that it was probably nothing to worry about and would not need medication, but thought it would be advisable to undergo a stress test just to be on the safe side.
Today I underwent a 20min stress test and the cardio advised that there was no irregular rhythm brought on by exercise, and from a fitness point of view she does not have many patients who do not call time before the 20min test is up. She was very happy with the test and now will just monitor me every 12 months with an echo.
Not only has seeking the second opinion found me a new cardio who I feel very comfortable with and saved me the cost of unnecessary medication, but I have found that my heart rate will gradually fall over time, and I now have a resting heart rate of 70-75 and falling.
I am so grateful for the recovery I have had. In almost all ways I feel much better than before. Probably the only lasting side effect I have is occasional blurred central vision if I over do it physically. Can?t complain about that!
Best wishes,