Am I nuts to want Home testing?

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INRATIO correlation to lab

INRATIO correlation to lab

I would agree that comparing my INRation results to a lab would probably result in a big difference. My doctor's office has a very similar finger prick machine that gives them the reading in 1 min. I plan on putting one drop of blood on their machine and another on mine. That should have a better correlation.

When I was doing the clinical trial for CoaguChek-XS we did 960 tests like this. Few were actually the exact same number. EVERYTHING HAS A TOLERANCE BUILT IN. You will not always get the same number if you used two testers with consecutive serial numbers and strips from the same lot number. Don't go in with an unreasonable expectation of proof.

Make with one INR result always knows the correct number. Man with 2 INR results never knows which one is correct.
Lisa in Katy said:
I have another question on this topic. I have a new job and after a few phone calls to the new insurance company (United), I'm not sure if the machine will be covered - none of the people I talked to knew what it was! So, I am thinking of setting up my healthcare spending account for $2,000 (the max) to cover the cost of the equipment plus supplies. Is anyone familiar with HSA? Would I have to run it through the insurance company before reimbursement? My fear is that they would end up covering it and I would be out the money in my HSA. I only have 30 days to complete benefits enrollment (actually about 21 now), so don't have time for the insurance company to run it through their process.


I have United Healthcare - they weren't too helpful on a purchase but they readily agreed to have me use the lease program through Raytel. While I would prefer to own the machine outright this is a very workable plan for me. I pay absolutely nothing. I think it would be less expensive for them to cover the purchase & supplies but apparently they don't see it that way. Granted, every plan is different, if they suggest this option & you don't want to pay for it yourself it may be a good way to go. I've been very satisfied with Raytel's service.
INRation working great for me

INRation working great for me

Purchased the INRation and love it. Tested my wife and the reading was 1.0. Testing at my doctors office with similar pin prick machine: Doctor's reading was 3.1 and INRation was 3.0. My doctor is OK with me decided on dosage. Just wants me to fax in weekly what I have done past week, what my INR is and what I plan of taking the next week.