Stay away from thise site for a few days and it seems like the world goes by. I have been trying to catch up!. First of all I have tried to post individually for some of you. For those who are in the waiting room, pre-surgey, post surgey, just snoopin, and whatever else I have missed, let me tell you that I am now 5 weeks post op and really starting to feel good. Not perfect but pretty good considering. Went to cardiologist yesterday, she said everything lookjed great to her. I will have chest xray and EKG next week and will see surgeon on Thursday and hopefully get OK to drive and get back to work.
I tell you all this to let my freinds here know how I am doing, but maybe more importantly to let some of you who still need surgery, or who are just out of surgery, that things do get better every day. It is so important to remember that, and all my freinds here have constantly reminded me of that. I have had my share of "depressed days" and days that I was just not feeling well, but I took heart in the fact that so many people here who have been through this said "remember it will get better every day"
So if there are any specific ways in which I might be able to help anyone, or try to answer a question for anyone, please post your question to me or feel free to email me.
Stay away from thise site for a few days and it seems like the world goes by. I have been trying to catch up!. First of all I have tried to post individually for some of you. For those who are in the waiting room, pre-surgey, post surgey, just snoopin, and whatever else I have missed, let me tell you that I am now 5 weeks post op and really starting to feel good. Not perfect but pretty good considering. Went to cardiologist yesterday, she said everything lookjed great to her. I will have chest xray and EKG next week and will see surgeon on Thursday and hopefully get OK to drive and get back to work.
I tell you all this to let my freinds here know how I am doing, but maybe more importantly to let some of you who still need surgery, or who are just out of surgery, that things do get better every day. It is so important to remember that, and all my freinds here have constantly reminded me of that. I have had my share of "depressed days" and days that I was just not feeling well, but I took heart in the fact that so many people here who have been through this said "remember it will get better every day"
So if there are any specific ways in which I might be able to help anyone, or try to answer a question for anyone, please post your question to me or feel free to email me.