Alternative Tenderlet or Lancet Devices.

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Grannbonny's spare protime tenderlett device.


My new protime tenderlett! Actually, as I type this, there is a new blood stain soaking through my jeans. It works very well! :D

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This is very funny!! And true, I am sure! So the second kittie is yours? How old? You could name him "Lance"! I would love to have a kittie - I had a string of them when I was growing up (always pleading for one), but my last one got flattened in '91. She was my baby. Now, I have The Apartment, which would charge me even MORE rent for a pet, and I don't think I would want her running around outside in this area, so she'd be cooped up all day.... But I would really love to have a kittie....

Hi Jennie

Lyn found this thing at the laundromat and brought it home. A week to 2 weeks later, our big cat that we had for 12 years had to be put to sleep. The timing of this new creature couldn't have been better.

At first, I called her Taz because she is a little she devil. I now call her peanut because she's small. I guess I should say was small-She's doubled in size since we got her. I think someone was starving her or she'd been outside without an owner for a very long time. She even looks too skinny in the picture that's posted. She's not that skinny now! ;) I figure she was born around the time I had surgery-July maybe? I don't know for sure, but she's growing everyday.
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My Rufus

My Rufus

is only about 2 months old. Looks big in picture. Grandson found him starving and eat up with fleas under a bush..$100.00 later and he rules this house and everthing in it..Just a few minutes ago another nice scratch on the hand..He loves to sneak up on me and give me love bites. Bonnie:D
Just a few minutes ago another nice scratch on the hand..He loves to sneak up on me and give me love bites.
My Doctor is going to flip when he sees my hand, which isn't as bad as my legs! :)
Time for the Nail Clippers

Time for the Nail Clippers

You hold mine and I'll hold yours:D :D :D Bonnie
Mine is impossible to hold, unless she wants to be held. Go against her will and YOU will lose. I agree though. Time for the nail clippers and if that doesn't do it, this one isn't going to have front claws! ;)