Almost Ready

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Only 2 days left before surgery. I went yesterday for the pre-op stuff and what a nightmare!!! I sure hope the surgery team and the ICU staff have it more together than the lab and x-ray folks did. I was there for 4 and a half hours. Of course most of that was spent in different waiting rooms. I also got to meet with my surgeons surgical PA and the general PA.

I don't know why I am writing this except that I feel so drawn to this site. It is so comforting to know that you all are here and that you can understand the things I am feeling right now. I finally have improved the meanies but yesterday I thought if one more person answered my questions with "everyone experiences that--it will all be alright" I would scream. People just don't understand or don't know how to acknowledge the fact that " Right now I don't care what everyone else experienced, I don't want to do this and if I could I would run away. Believe me, it has crossed my mind just to say, Nope, I changed my mind and I'm just not ready for this!!

I passed the word around yesterday and hopefully many of the folks I spoke with will visit.

Thanks everyone for being here and letting whinners like me have a place to vent. It means more to me than you know.

Venting is a good thing! We're with you all the way and look forward to hearing from you on the other side....Best wishes and thoughts are to take with you and everything will be fine.
But Carla everyone experiences that--it will all be alright! :D

I wanted to bolt so bad the day before surgery, that it really took some talking to my mind to get me through it. My wife couldn't figure out why I wouldn't wait for her to park the car before going into the hospital. If I'd waited without going directly in the doors, they'd never got me in there.

Believe me, we know how you feel. We are there with you all the way!
Carla - no gettin away from the fright; it's just there as part of this awesome climb to health. You are going to be alright an when your time comes, your guards will guide you right through the prison doors. But when they wrap you in those heated sheets, you will say 'ahhhhh - this feels so secure', go to sleep and then it will be all over when you wake up. Believe me, we ALL know just how you feel. And we're right with you all the way. Wish I had known of this site before my walk down the 'aisle'. Love Ann

The next few days will be surreal for you. I just put myself on autopilot, if I remember right, and just walked myself right in there and went through the motions. I guess I distanced myself mentally from what was happening.

It was afterwards that I was in "shock" of sorts - not believing what had happened to me.

HOWEVER, it is DOABLE and if I could get through it, you can too!!

You will be just fine. We will be anxiously awaiting to hear how well you are doing after the surgery is over, because we all will be praying for you and thinking of you.

God speed!!

Christina L.
Hey Carla,

I will also be praying for you. The next thing you know, you will be done and on the road to newfound health. I know that you must be nervous right now but you need to get excited about the fact that this ordeal is rounding the last corner and heading down the home stretch. Soon you will be in the "Victory Circle"!:) I really do hope that everything goes exceptionally well for you.

Good luck!

I have no idea what "everyone else" goes through, so I won't say it...

What I will say is this: You can do this. I've read your postings here, and from them I know you've got the courage and strength of character to do it. I'll quote Dory from Finding Nemo once again, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..."
Thanks everyone!! Coming to this site is like getting big bear hugs and with Ross, he always gives a little giggle. At the risk of being redundant, this site is a real godsend and there is not a day that I don't thank the good lord that I was directed here.

Hey Babe you have a whole lot of people out here cheering you on. Its a lot like those guys who jump into freezing water every new years day. Come on we did it and you can too. Now just think of what you are going to tell us after you have climbed the mountain. See you then!
Hey Carla,
Just remember we are all here for you so let it all out and we will be listening and giving you are support. I think you will be amazed after surgery as to how well everything will go.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care and we will see you on the other side.;)
Carla, hang in there girl.

Everybody ....

... oh heck, forget what "everybody" goes through. Just take care of yourself.

I'll be thinking of you, along with everybody else on this board.

Hugs (virtual tho' they be, very sincere hugs).
Hey Carla-

Sounds like you are finally getting to "lace up your hiking boots" and prepare for the climb....:)
Best wishes for your journey up the mountain. We will all be here waiting for you. Please have someone post for you to let us all know how you are doing.
You're in my prayers! :)
God bless

God bless

Carla, you've been so much fun to have on the forum. I know you'll do fine. If anyone can be prepared for this, you are.

And you still want to hide under the examining table. :( I know - I did, too.

Really treat yourself these last couple days - best food, drink (drink really helps ;) ); go buy something extravagent - lounging pj's or scent whatever. It's good for you. Hint: silk feels really good on the incision - much better than cotton or flannel.

Here's hoping that your mountain is a molehill and the truck misses you completely! Cyber hugs - real prayers. We'll all be with you in spirit. And we won't rest until someone posts for you.
Hi Carla-

You'll be on everyone's mind as you get fixed up. We're with you in spirit the whole way. The nasty heart stuff will soon be a thing of the past.

Think of us all in the surgical suite with you. By now, you know us pretty well. We'll be all around you.

Take care, and God Bless.
You guys are just the best.

My husband Bill will be posting after my surgery. He has promised to let you guys know how everything is going.

Thank you all,
Hey Carla!

I have not been following as tight because I went back to work yesterday... that's right, you, too, can be back at the salt mines in no time (7 weeks).

I had the exact thought about bolting the night before - so strong I wanted to cry. I knew it was the only option, and not a good one.

You can do this. It is tough, there are hard things to get thru, but it can be done. In a few weeks you will be well on the way to a rich and rewarding extra dose of life. At cardiac rehab today they eased me up to 138 pulse (I know it doesn't sound like much, but I wasn't even fazed by it. My new valve works!)

Hang in there. I, and everyone else here, will be praying for you!