Almost new grandma

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It's a girl!

It's a girl!

WE have a new grandaughter. She was born yesterday afternoon at 2:38. The attempts at labor induction didn't go very well on Tues. Yesterday AM they started a pitocin drip but the baby was showing signs of stress very early so they quit the pitocin drip and brought my daughter-in-law right in for a c-section. Mom and baby are doing fine. She weighed 9 1/2 lbs and was 20 1/2" long.

I hated to hand her over to other visitors.... :( .

There just isn't anything nicer than grandbabies! We just got home a few minutes ago. I'll go back again on Sunday and stay for several days to lend a hand when and where they need it. Sounds like the ideal job to me!

Thank you everyone for your prayers. An event like this erases any tough times our family has been through this year and it is like we have a fresh slate all over again. Arn't babies wonderful? :)

A picture will be forthcoming.
New baby

New baby

Congratulations on the new arrival. What a thrill it is to become grandparents.
Congratulations Betty! But we still don't know the wee one's name and we want pix of her as well.....after you've returned home and had a chance to catch up on your sleep that is. So glad mother and baby are both doing well.

Congratulations on your new granddaughter!!

I can still see the look on my parents' faces when they held each new grandbaby - so, I know what the expression on your face was when you held this new baby. :)

Enjoy her.

Christina L.
Congrats, Betty. Ain't life grand? she was a chubby little girl - your daughter may think it was awful having a section, but 9.5 lbs and 201/2" could have made for a tough delivery. I'll bet she's absolutely beautiful.

My younger one looked like a skinny little rat. He was 6.5 lbs and 19 1/2". Is still skinny at 1 year.

Have a wonderful time with her - watch baby clothes stores - here comes grandma.
Betty, congratulations on your precious granddaughter! :) :) They are so delightful. Have fun and enjoy spoiling her ! !
Thanks, everyone! Her name? I guess I did forget to tell you. It is a mouthful for such a little one.............Virginia Hope Van de Riet.............has a nice ring to it don't you think? :)



Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you and your family. That's a BIG baby!! I thought my 8 1/2 pound Ryan was a trip! And a beautiful name! I can't wait to see the pictures.
Congratulations Grandma!!

Glad to hear everything went well and that you now have a beautiful little granddaughter!! Can't wait to see pics! You must just be beaming!! Enjoy your time with her. :)

I am sure your new little granddaughter is as pretty as her name. I truly believe that grandchildren are our rewards for being parents and I know this little one will bring you tons of joy.

Congratulations, Betty. What a beautiful name they chose for her. (I really like traditional names.) Can't wait to see pics :) :)
Congratulations Betty!

Congratulations Betty!

Hi Betty,
You must be so excited...All the best to you and your family. It seems that new-borns are getting bigger and bigger. Mine were 5 and 7 lbs.
congratulations on your new grand baby! I know the feeling, our little Joseph is 1 month old now. Nothing like holding a baby! What is her name?
Kathy H
Pictures of Ginnie

Pictures of Ginnie

:cool: Here are a couple of pictures of Ginnie




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