CC Weston doesnt do nearly the Hearts that most hospitals do. If you research it they actually had a marketing campaign to get more heart patients into the clinic side of things. I liked my cardio but the surgeon was new and had not so great references. Shands In gainsville is another good heart hospital but I want to stay local. I found a surgeon whose specialties were congential heart defects and has done a ton of valves and aortas. His name came up a few times in references for a good surgeon. I know there might be a better one in Miami but I am definitly comfortable with this gentlemen. He is there Chief of Cardiovascual Services Pediatric and Adult for some time. He led UM Jackson when it was a much better hospital and he led Shands Jacksonville. I did my footwork on him and I am TOTALLY comfortable with him. Thank you for your input though. I do appreciate all views on the matter.