Al Lodwick's surgery tomorrow (non-heart)

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Al, you are always there for everybody - so kind, helpful and when we come in here you are. Thank you. Now it's our turn to be there for you. God bless - Ann
The very best to you.
I will be thinking about you tommorow my friend.
Hope all goes well and a speedy recovery as well.

This and my 4-year old grandson saying a prayer over the phone both brought tears to my eyes.

I should be able to get back on-line Saturday. There is really no immediate outcome because you have to wait a few months and then do a PSA blood test to see how successful it was.

There is


Prayers are being sent your way for a full and speedy recovery


You're in my thoughts and prayers! You're always there for us and now we want to be here for you!! Here's to a speedy recovery!!;)

If you haven't read "Madison 6 Days Post OP" in the Heart Talk Forum please do so.

After reading this, I decided that I wasn't going to let a few needles and one tiny hole deter me. So I had my prostate cryosurgery today and was back home in 15 hours to the minute that I left.

Thanks, Madison


Dear AL
I am glad you made it back home OK. I Know every time I am in hospital I aam so glad to get home. My prayers ae with you. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Valve repair 5/99
Valve replacement 3/02
Step A is now complete and I'm glad you let us know.

I can't get out of the hospital doors fast enough and into the comfort of my own home after anything is done at the hospital. ;)

Glad to hear part I went without a hitch. I hope part II brings nothing but good news!
Good News....

Good News....

Good News Al....hope it is plain sailing from here on and that you'll be good as new in no time.

Best wishes
hi al!
i haven't been on for some time and was so upset to see that you had to go through this procedure.
i'm glad this bit of it is behind you; you sound like you are doing well. please let us know when you hear further.
take good care of yourself!!!

I'm glad everything is going well to this point. I hope everything else goes well too.

There is just something about walking back into your own house again!
So glad you're home and have the first phase under your belt. It's always good to get these things behind you.

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