Al Lodwicks Domain has expired

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I really don't think anyone would be able to take over the site for Al. Al Lodwick's name is an integral part of that site, and he kept it up, running and maintained it for many, many years. There is a lot to running something like that, and it has to be updated frequently with newer medical information. One would have to ask, what could possibly happen if something on the site were to be completely out of date? It is, afterall, a medical site, and was run by a medical professional. I am sure now that Al has retired from his professional life, he has less interest in every new anticoagulation things coming down the pike. Of course, these are only my own ideas, and have no knowledge of what Al is thinking.
I really don't think anyone would be able to take over the site for Al. Al Lodwick's name is an integral part of that site, and he kept it up, running and maintained it for many, many years. There is a lot to running something like that, and it has to be updated frequently with newer medical information. One would have to ask, what could possibly happen if something on the site were to be completely out of date? It is, afterall, a medical site, and was run by a medical professional. I am sure now that Al has retired from his professional life, he has less interest in every new anticoagulation things coming down the pike. Of course, these are only my own ideas, and have no knowledge of what Al is thinking.

Nancy, I was thinking along the same lines as you, about it being a medical site run by a well respected medical person who is an expert in his field, which would make it hard if not impossible for someone to take it over, unless it was a medicl person Al Trained to pass the torch to so to speak.
I do hope there is a way to save all the info before the domain owner deletes the years of work
Al has to take care of Al's site. Myself, I'm tied up with more then I really need now.

Lets let time pass and see what does or doesn't develop. Meanwhile, there are a few people here that could be helping others and aren't, at least not lately. Lets try to work with new folks shall we?
If he registers the domain, the site may pop back up. Usually there are separate fees for web hosting, tho. If those are also due, it may not be available with a simple domain fee payment. If he isn't interested in maintaining it anymore, it could be revamped as "historical archive" in nature with lots of disclaimers that the info may be out of date. I wasn't aware of the site. Sorry I missed it. Sounds like it was good.

Someone else could buy the domain (the www address) if it sits around for too long, but they woud have to get the actual web content from Al. They would not be able to "take over" the site simply by purchasing the web address (domain).
Thanks for all of your interest. Here is the situation. I registered this site 10 years ago. During that time evidently the domain hosting company has changed hands several times. Nobody seems to have any accurate record of me. Even what is listed on isn't correct. I tried to register with 3 different companies that I was referred to. They had my security questions goofed up. Like I don't remember my father's middle name or the name of the high school that I attended for 4 years. So they don't believe that I am me and say that I do not have an account. So I had no choice but to let it expire. Since I am mostly retired, and have been getting very little response to the site, I figured that not many people were interested any more.

Earthlink has hosted this site all 10 years but even they have changed their processes and I can't get on to update the site. However, they won't allow me to cancel because I don't remember the security codes for them either. So I guess that I am going to have to cancel my credit card, and bank account to get them to stop billing me. I don't want to try to start the site back up under the same or a different name until I get this done.

The cost isn't an issue because I could register for 89 cents on Go Daddy.

I also tried to interest some of the well known names in the anticoagulation field in taking over the site (before I realized the mess that I'm in) but nobody was really interested.

So I am open to suggestions but it looks like it might be a month or so before I can bring anythig back.

I have had a recurrence of my prostate cancer so health is a small issue at this point. However, I got bored and went out and found a 15 hour per week job as a pharmacist in a treatment center specializing in PTSD treatment for military personnel.

So there you have it from the horse's mouth. I have come to several forks in the road all at once. My motto has always been, "If you come to a fork in the road, that means that it is time to stop and eat".

I'll be glad to answer any questions that you have. Please use my new email address

Well at least you all know where it stands. I just can't reiterate enough, how much your site has helped many. I know it can continue to do so, but I know where your coming from also.
Thanks for all of your interest. Here is the situation. I registered this site 10 years ago. During that time evidently the domain hosting company has changed hands several times. Nobody seems to have any accurate record of me. Even what is listed on isn't correct. I tried to register with 3 different companies that I was referred to. They had my security questions goofed up. Like I don't remember my father's middle name or the name of the high school that I attended for 4 years. So they don't believe that I am me and say that I do not have an account. So I had no choice but to let it expire. Since I am mostly retired, and have been getting very little response to the site, I figured that not many people were interested any more.

Earthlink has hosted this site all 10 years but even they have changed their processes and I can't get on to update the site. However, they won't allow me to cancel because I don't remember the security codes for them either. So I guess that I am going to have to cancel my credit card, and bank account to get them to stop billing me. I don't want to try to start the site back up under the same or a different name until I get this done.

The cost isn't an issue because I could register for 89 cents on Go Daddy.

I also tried to interest some of the well known names in the anticoagulation field in taking over the site (before I realized the mess that I'm in) but nobody was really interested.

So I am open to suggestions but it looks like it might be a month or so before I can bring anythig back.

I have had a recurrence of my prostate cancer so health is a small issue at this point. However, I got bored and went out and found a 15 hour per week job as a pharmacist in a treatment center specializing in PTSD treatment for military personnel.

So there you have it from the horse's mouth. I have come to several forks in the road all at once. My motto has always been, "If you come to a fork in the road, that means that it is time to stop and eat".

I'll be glad to answer any questions that you have. Please use my new email address


Glad to see you stop by, Al, and I hope you're able to get the issue sorted out. Best wishes for a fast remission, and while you sit at this fork in the road, enjoy what you eat.;)
Thank you for explaining, Al. Your site has been such a valuable resource for so many people. It would be a huge loss for it to no longer at least have the archive information available. So very sorry for the hassle you are having trying to handle it.

VERY best wishes for successful treatments and hope all goes well for you.
You have made a tremendous contribution for a great many people. (I only had a short course of warfarin post op for my tissue valve but learned so much from you and from some of those you educated.)
Hey, Al. I just saw your post. Hard to believe those folks can fix things, isn't it? Esp since they are continuing to accept your $!!! Today's world!

I wish you well with your health issue. My son in law has that issue, too. He had the implants last Dec and today got a great report. I wish the same for you.

Best wishes. Know that we miss seeing you but understand. Blessins........
Thanks for all of your interest. Here is the situation. I registered this site 10 years ago. During that time evidently the domain hosting company has changed hands several times. Nobody seems to have any accurate record of me. Even what is listed on isn't correct. I tried to register with 3 different companies that I was referred to. They had my security questions goofed up. Like I don't remember my father's middle name or the name of the high school that I attended for 4 years. So they don't believe that I am me and say that I do not have an account. So I had no choice but to let it expire. Since I am mostly retired, and have been getting very little response to the site, I figured that not many people were interested any more.

Earthlink has hosted this site all 10 years but even they have changed their processes and I can't get on to update the site. However, they won't allow me to cancel because I don't remember the security codes for them either. So I guess that I am going to have to cancel my credit card, and bank account to get them to stop billing me. I don't want to try to start the site back up under the same or a different name until I get this done.

The cost isn't an issue because I could register for 89 cents on Go Daddy.

I also tried to interest some of the well known names in the anticoagulation field in taking over the site (before I realized the mess that I'm in) but nobody was really interested.

So I am open to suggestions but it looks like it might be a month or so before I can bring anythig back.

I have had a recurrence of my prostate cancer so health is a small issue at this point. However, I got bored and went out and found a 15 hour per week job as a pharmacist in a treatment center specializing in PTSD treatment for military personnel.

So there you have it from the horse's mouth. I have come to several forks in the road all at once. My motto has always been, "If you come to a fork in the road, that means that it is time to stop and eat".

I'll be glad to answer any questions that you have. Please use my new email address


I have been using your site since age 15. It was the very best out there.
I was off of warfarin for about 11 months because of pregnancy, and using Fragmin instead.
I've been back on the warfarin now for 3 days and experiencing bad stomach pain. Figured, I'm up anyway, let's see what's new in the world of warfarin! So sad to see the url brought me to something else. :(
Anyway, did some searching and found this site and found out what's going on. So I signed up. lol
Just wanted to let you know that there is 1 more girl out there that valued your site. (the warfarin bible is what I called it)
I really hope to see it up and running again.
All the best to you Al, I hope you get better real fast!

I have been using your site since age 15. It was the very best out there.
I was off of warfarin for about 11 months because of pregnancy, and using Fragmin instead.
I've been back on the warfarin now for 3 days and experiencing bad stomach pain. Figured, I'm up anyway, let's see what's new in the world of warfarin! So sad to see the url brought me to something else. :(
Anyway, did some searching and found this site and found out what's going on. So I signed up. lol
Just wanted to let you know that there is 1 more girl out there that valued your site. (the warfarin bible is what I called it)
I really hope to see it up and running again.
All the best to you Al, I hope you get better real fast!


Lisa, stick around anyhow. I sent your post to Al, so he may or may not reply.
I'm not on coumadin but so valued Al's site, it makes me incredibly sad the site can't have been archived. Such a wealth of information lost to so many who could benefit from it.

Wishing Al the very best..... he made tremendous contribution.
Thanks for your support

Thanks for your support

I have mostly retired now. I have a problem with recurrent prostate cancer but things are improving. I looked into archiving my website - even had somebody who was willing to support it. However, there are over 450 files. This makes it almost impossible to copy them and for someone else to take all of the links out that no longer are active and then reorgamize things. So it looks like warfarin fo will be retired (like me).

However, I have not retired from helping people. If anyone would like to ask a specific question, please feel free to email me at

I have also undertaken a project of adding captions to my photographs and emailing them out a a Thought for the day. If anyone is interested in getting on that mailing list (it is free) contact me at

Thanks again for everyone's support.

I'm glad to see your post, and very happy things are improving. I hope you know how many people appreciate all the hard work you have done.
We love Al!

We love Al!

I have mostly retired now. I have a problem with recurrent prostate cancer but things are improving. I looked into archiving my website - even had somebody who was willing to support it. However, there are over 450 files. This makes it almost impossible to copy them and for someone else to take all of the links out that no longer are active and then reorgamize things. So it looks like warfarin fo will be retired (like me).

However, I have not retired from helping people. If anyone would like to ask a specific question, please feel free to email me at

I have also undertaken a project of adding captions to my photographs and emailing them out a a Thought for the day. If anyone is interested in getting on that mailing list (it is free) contact me at

Thanks again for everyone's support.


Take it from someone who has more years on ACT then anyone,
Al is the MAN!:thumbup:

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