Thanks for all of your interest. Here is the situation. I registered this site 10 years ago. During that time evidently the domain hosting company has changed hands several times. Nobody seems to have any accurate record of me. Even what is listed on isn't correct. I tried to register with 3 different companies that I was referred to. They had my security questions goofed up. Like I don't remember my father's middle name or the name of the high school that I attended for 4 years. So they don't believe that I am me and say that I do not have an account. So I had no choice but to let it expire. Since I am mostly retired, and have been getting very little response to the site, I figured that not many people were interested any more.
Earthlink has hosted this site all 10 years but even they have changed their processes and I can't get on to update the site. However, they won't allow me to cancel because I don't remember the security codes for them either. So I guess that I am going to have to cancel my credit card, and bank account to get them to stop billing me. I don't want to try to start the site back up under the same or a different name until I get this done.
The cost isn't an issue because I could register for 89 cents on Go Daddy.
I also tried to interest some of the well known names in the anticoagulation field in taking over the site (before I realized the mess that I'm in) but nobody was really interested.
So I am open to suggestions but it looks like it might be a month or so before I can bring anythig back.
I have had a recurrence of my prostate cancer so health is a small issue at this point. However, I got bored and went out and found a 15 hour per week job as a pharmacist in a treatment center specializing in PTSD treatment for military personnel.
So there you have it from the horse's mouth. I have come to several forks in the road all at once. My motto has always been, "If you come to a fork in the road, that means that it is time to stop and eat".
I'll be glad to answer any questions that you have. Please use my new email address