Chiming in late as usual...............
Chiming in late as usual...............
WE flew to Seattle last year. Katie's first flight. Thought I would do the right thing and warn them up front that Katie had a mechanical valve. We were immediately whisked off to the side and Katie was wanded and patted down - every inch of her - yep! my five year old terrorist had to turn down the waist of her shorts and was thoroughly searched - every nook and cranny. 'Course at the same time, my 77 year old father in a wheelchair was off in another search area, being wanded and searched..............and my77 year old mother was starred, so everything in her purse was dumped out and all of her carryon luggage was scrutinized item by item off to the side in another area.......................sigh! Ya know it's bad when a perfect stranger comes up to you (me) and hugs you and says, "God, bless you child!"

Almost missed our flight -still got to write up that Alaskan cruise adventure someday...............
Anyway, just for grins, on the flight back, I thought I would see what happened if I didn't mention Katie's valve. Ya know what? NOthing happened.

Little imp just breezed right through the metal detectors, no sweat. Still had my dad being patted and wanded down and my mom was still starred (starred on the way there, same on the way back..........sigh!), but at least it was one less family member who had to be publicly humiliated and redressed. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Many hugs. J. P.S. Be sure and drink lots of water on the flight and get up and move around when you can. More hugs. J.