Ahh, very refreshing

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Ross said:
You simply must get naked and run when it's this cold. It does wonders for you!

05 08:51 W 14 10.00 A Few Clouds FEW060 -3F -10F Wind chill

What does it do for you?

I am going to visit my son and Jan in Sarasota if this keeps up.

Most of our spring growth stuff got frozen!
Ross said:
Can I watch? :) I love watching women photosynthesize and grow.

I hope that I'm GLOWING and not GROWING. Ross:p!

By the way, it's been downright TOASTY here today! It's supposed to be warm all week and then rain this weekend -- which we could really use. And you know it never rains in California, it pours... But all of this warm sunshine all the time just gets plain old BB-OO-RR-II-NN-GG;)! (not!)

I'd better stop here before I alienate the entire site:D...

Stay warm:cool:!
We still have snow all around our house from 5 days ago..At least, we can walk on sidewalk.but not driveway..I am so carefull..Cold here in North Ga. mountains..Would someone please adopt my Cat..Rufus..Big, Fat Cat..but a whimp when it comes to going outside..........He is driving me nuts..Will open the front door and he runs back and gets in our bed. :D .....The 8 inches of snow we had 5 days ago will not melt..due to the sun never hits our property...Too many trees, ect. and temp is still not above about 40 degrees during the day........I am like Rufus..Just don't like it this cold:p Bonnie
I am truly missing Santa Monica today. In the Cincinnati area we were at 1 degree today with a wind chill of -20 or so (felt colder). I think I am still suffering with the thin blood I developed while living in California.

I would even be happy with the pouring rain in LA over the sunny, cold day here.

Snow coming tomorrow night, 3-5 inches.

Susan, I am checking flight schedules.;) :D ;)
Will it ever warm up??

Will it ever warm up??

How are you surviving another day of this loving weather? No school again,:rolleyes: It was -6 below, have no idea what the chill factor is. But believe it or not it is suppose to warm up (10) degrees. What a heat wave :eek: My husband has to work out in this weather, and when he comes home, he stays under blankets for hours!!! Takes forever to get him warm. I do feel for him, but at least I don't have to go out in it. My family in Futson, Georgia complained of light frost, scrapping windows, then the rest of the day was in the 60's. I'd take that weather any ole time. Right?
It's a whopping 0F right now. I think we made it to -4 last night. All I know is my furnace never stopped cycling. I've got ice on my windows, so that should tell you how insulated this place is.
That makes our 12 look like a heat wave! The wind chill was -10 when my oldest left for school today. Our house is frigid here also. It is awful when you have to dress for the outside inside your house! It feel good for a few minutes when you come in from outside then you realize it is still really cold!!
I just got home after fighting the snow that is coming down like rain. We are expecting 3-5 inches and it is a very balmy 14 degrees (not sure about the wind chill factor). The roads are atrocious and the drivers even worse. I am happy to be home safe.
Sorry, didn't catch this thread yesterday...

Sorry, didn't catch this thread yesterday...

Karlynn said:
Until someone from Minnesota comes along I have you all beat .....unfortunately. -11, don't know what the chill factor is.

update: -25 wind chill
But as far as Minnesota...here in Princeton yesterday, the schools were not closed, just delayed two hours, because the TEMPERATURE, without the windchill factor was -26 when we got up. I don't believe the "high" ever reached zero, we topped out at a whopping -5! They were counting how many hours we were below zero, to see if it was a record, but alas, I just checked and Princeton is now at +1, darn!

Can't wait until it's 50 degrees out again and WE can go sunbathing. :D


Our schools close due to the snow on rural roads..Icy..where the buses have to run..for the life of me..I cannot believe that schools are still open up North..when the weather is that cold? With the wee ones having to stand out in that weather waiting for bus?:eek: My age 14 year old..just recovered from pheumonia..kelpt going to school..for the fear of failing if he missed school..After 2 weeks .he was finally dx with pheumonia..and his doctor scripted him..he got lucky because school was cancelled for 2 days.......Do the schools up North..do not cancel when it is that cold?.......After all. they can add some summer days to make up for weather that cold?....I worry..about the wee ones out waiting for their bus?Bonnie
Almost every school in Southeast Michigan has been closed for two days.
There was one town around here that didn't close it's high school. According to the news when the kids got to school, they all gathered in the common area as a protest and refused to go to their classrooms. They couldn't understand why they had school and every place else was closed.
So what did we do when we were high school kids Bonnie?
I have never seen road conditions as slippery as they were here yesterday. I foolishly set out on a 50 mile trip yesterday only to turn back after 20 miles--the road (interstate) looked clear but it was sheer ice. In those 20 miles I saw 10+ cars off the road--a couple turned over--including a semi truck. On my way home, I approached a right turn toward home at a VERY cautious speed, but had to drive by when I failed to stop. My neighbor was behind me and did the same thing. We both drove around the block. When my husband got home the first thing he told me was about his having done the exact same thing along with the person behind him. The second car behind him ended up in the snowbank on the corner.

When I worry about kids getting to school I too worry about the little ones getting frostbite waiting for the bus, but my biggest worry is inexperienced high school kids driving on these treacherous roads. My kids' school system was the only one around for many miles that was not closed yesterday.
This reminds me of when I still lived in NY.

My wife, moved here from S. America, would freeze in anything under 60. One day I knew she had changed.

We had just gone through about two weeks of temperatures in the teens for highs. My wife goes outside to check the temperature comes running in all excited and says "it is so warm out, I am taking (my son) to the park"

I look at her and say "you do realize it is only 32 degrees"

:D :D :D :D

I still laugh about that today whenever she says it's cold out.

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