I have never seen road conditions as slippery as they were here yesterday. I foolishly set out on a 50 mile trip yesterday only to turn back after 20 miles--the road (interstate) looked clear but it was sheer ice. In those 20 miles I saw 10+ cars off the road--a couple turned over--including a semi truck. On my way home, I approached a right turn toward home at a VERY cautious speed, but had to drive by when I failed to stop. My neighbor was behind me and did the same thing. We both drove around the block. When my husband got home the first thing he told me was about his having done the exact same thing along with the person behind him. The second car behind him ended up in the snowbank on the corner.
When I worry about kids getting to school I too worry about the little ones getting frostbite waiting for the bus, but my biggest worry is inexperienced high school kids driving on these treacherous roads. My kids' school system was the only one around for many miles that was not closed yesterday.