A lot of memories here and also a lot of lacking memories due to medication and post op Trasient Global Amnesia…from my records it appears I had to be jumpstarted 3 times after 1st surgery of the day (a mini avr)
Then I had cardiac arrest in icu, with chest massage and 3 shocks, then they had to handpick thrombus out of my left ventricle, then a full Sternotomy avr. Sent home after a few days. Returned with Heparin induced thrombocytopenia. Platelets at 60,000. I presented with memory loss (What happened to my chest?)
Then ivs to reverse that, then sent home.
I remember much of the pain and procedures you all speak of. I have quite a few memory lapses either due to medicine or the TGAs.
Two things I remember well is the moment I realized I could put my undies back on

and when I was speaking to my surgeon, apologizing for messing up his numbers- since that is one of the criteria’s I chose him for. (He is also affiliated with The Cleveland Clinic)
After I apologized he said, don’t apologize, it’s all about survival. He was very caring during my experience. The hemotologist said I should buy lottery tickets since I was going home whole and well. He had never seen anyone walk away with HITII and no long term issues or death. 2 1/2 years out I am doing great. 64 yo and now swim 4 days a week.
This all happened in Sept 2020. My other special memory was getting my first Covid vaccine JAN 2021. I absolutely bawled like a baby from relief and emotional cleanse. First time I cried since the surgery.