I had my operation in my home city with a local team of doctors, nurses and rehab specialists. I was about the same age and chose mechanical. I have no trouble keeping my INR in the recommended range of 2-2.5. I got a St. Jude because of my surgeon's recommendation. He would have installed either, but likes the St. Jude because it's "rugged" and has a long history. My only regret is the mechanical valve does not allow me to routinely take NSAIDs (I have developed arthritis). But that's a small price to pay for avoiding future open heart surgeries.
I'd make sure you have good follow-up care at home since you've decided to have your surgery elsewhere. In my case, my team after surgery included a surgeon, surgeon's PA, a PT, a cardio and cardio's RN. When I started cardio rehab I got an additional rehab PT and RN. At home:
- You will need to be tested regularly for INR and get dosing help.
- After a few weeks you will need an Xray to check the chest and get released by your surgeon.
- Follow-up care should include cardiac rehab. Even if you know how to exercise, cardio rehab helps you start small and work up to the full monty. It's also reassuring to have an expert RN or PT to ask questions of twice a week.
- Make arrangements to assure your relevant records get transferred from the hospital to your home base doctors.