Rich said:
...Did anyone see the latest one this morning? It was on GMA and says women who do housework have a 30% less chance of developing breast cancer. They say doing housework is much more effective than playing sports or working out!...I'll bet the women out there are just loving this one.
Right, loving that one

...And I've been hinting to my husband that a lot of my friends have cleaning thank you very much for that

Regarding the Acid/Alkaline lists, they are listed as follows from the lists my husband was given:
Common Acid Ash Foods, leaving strong acid in your internal environment...bacon, barley grain, beef, blueberries, bran/wheat and oat, bread/white and whole wheat, butter, carob, cheese, chicken, cod, corn, corned beef, crackers/soda, cranberries, currants, eggs, flour/white and whole wheat, haddock, honey, lamb, lentils/dried, lobster, milk/cow's, macaroni, oatmeal, oysters, peanut butter, peanuts, peas/dried, pike, (plums and prunes leave an alkaline ash but have an acidifying effect on the body), pork, rice/white and brown, salmon, sardines, sausage, scallops, shrimp, spaghetti, squash/winter, sunflower seeds, turkey, veal, walnuts, wheat germ, and yogurt. Neutral ash foods that have an acidifying effect include: corn oil, corn syrup, olive oil, and refined sugar.
Common Alkaline Ash Foods, helping to control acid in your internal environment... almonds, apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, beans/dried, beet greens, beets, blackberries, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard leaves, cherries/sour, cucumbers, watermelon, dates/dried, figs/dried, grapefruit, grapes, green beans, green peas, lemons, lettuce, lima beans/ dried and green, limes, milk/goat (recommended for infants only when mother's milk is not available), millet, molasses, mushrooms, muskmelons, onions, oranges, parsnips, peaches, pears, pineapple, potatoes/sweet and white, radishes, raisins, raspberries, rhubarb (not recommended for having properties detrimental to the body), rutabagas, sauerkraut, soy beans/green, spinach/raw, strawberries, tangerines, tomatoes, and watercress.
Again, we were told that the Western diet tends to be heavy on the acidic foods, and we would be better with an 80% to 20% ratio in favor of the alkaline foods. I know in our home in recent years, we definitely have tended to eat more foods from the acidic list. The Doc also told my husband to quit eating any cheese for the time being. And hubbie is taking some oral "living plant enzymes." He's feeling a great deal better and says he hasn't even had a touch of heartburn in weeks.
So you all can chew on that and swallow it; no burps allowed!