You and how many other chimps, you scrawny wimp?

You have shed so much poundage that you couldn't whip a flying squirrel.

Superbob, on the other hand, has all the heft of that Alabama middle guard who (alas) kept blocking the Vols' field goals yesterday. I can squash you Chimp!
Okay I didn't mean to be milking sympathy, and I am not literally giving up. But sometimes just get tired of swallowing one pill after another (better living through chemistry), seeing one doctor after another with each successive one discovering one malady after another, having one medical test after another, coordinating swaps of one medical report after another....etc., etc., etc. You do wonder what would happen if (as just one possible alternative) you lounged all day in the hammock. Or discussed the meaning of life with the girls at Hooters.