A real full moon!

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Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
Tonight (9/26) is a full moon. And boy, it's a doozie! I can't believe all the weirdos coming out of the woodwork. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Maybe it has something to do with global warming and more water in the oceans??? More of an effect on the tides???
Ross and other fellow insomniacs, take note! :D

Unfortunately (or actually, fortunately, cause we desperately need the rain), it is overcast right now. Could go dancing nekkid in the rain, just knowing there is a full moon behind the clouds. :D :D :D
Yeah I'm getting cheated out of a fine night for naked activity. Storms in and out all night, overcast, can't see the MOON.
Googled Full Moon and one of the myths is..a woman is more fertile during a Full Moon..:eek: ..so you younins be careful out there dancing nekkid.:p .I worked in a hospital long ago..and heard the nurses say..Look out, full Moon tonight..more births, car accidents, ect??.Bonnie
I volunteered yesterday and today in ICU and it was crazy! We were completely full and was trying to get some of the patients into a regular room and the hospital was full. This seems to happen every time there is a full moon. My daughter teaches school and she says the kids get crazy too! But I can say the harvest moon tonight is so beautiful ! !
Luckily, I woke up again at 3 a.m. to check out the moon.
It was easier to look at because it was just a bit covered by wispy clouds, then a larger, darker cloud came and it got kind of spooky....I love it...!!!
I worked retail many years ago, and Oh My! what strange people came out during the full moon. It's not an urban myth--there's something to it!:p

I think it was during a full moon that I had a customer (man) who had on bright pink nail polish and matching lipstick with a wig, and men's clothing. I think I sold him some Christmas ornaments can't remember very well, it was a long time ago.
catwoman said:
Tonight (9/26) is a full moon. And boy, it's a doozie! I can't believe all the weirdos coming out of the woodwork. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Maybe it has something to do with global warming and more water in the oceans??? More of an effect on the tides???

Marcia - I read your post yesterday and meant to ask you about it. You are being a little vague here.....what type of weirdos? We'd like to hear the details on your weirdos....