A question for my fellow Tissue Valvers

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Was prescribed Coumadin not aspirin for first 90 days post op for INR range of 2.5-3.0, then daily 80mg aspirin for life, brand Pro AAS EC (Aspirin) daily.

Switch from coumadin to aspirin happens in 10 days.

Am 57, coumadin dose may have been for Mitral valve repair work and ring or AVR or both, not sure.

I was also put on coumadin for 3 months post op (with aspirin as well) and told 81 mg for life. Unfortunately, I have a problem with aspirin, so I don't take anything (with approval of my surgeon and cardio).

Hey there

I was just wondering, how many of you are on a daily dose of aspirin and what is the dose? I was told to take the 325mg for the first 3 months after my surgery. Today I saw my cardio and he said I could switch to a baby aspirin for the rest of my life now. But he didn't tell me to, I had to ask him about it. He took a minute to think about it then said yes. I will have to call the surgeons office and ask them about it too. So I was just wondering about all of you and what your daily dose is if at all!


Hi, I stopped taking aspirin altogether three months after surgery. I am pretty sensitive to any medications so even in hospital after one day I was questioning every medication that they were giving me, 'what is that, what is it for, do I have to have it or is it optional?' ;) I have a medical background so this was another reason for all the questions. I wasn't even happy to take the aspirin for three months with a tissue valve but my cardiologist gave me a really good explanation as to why and I was happy with that. (He said that there was no evidence to show that it would be harmful not to take it, but that chances were it would prolong the life of my tissue valve). But yes, I stopped at three months and have had no issues. I am not taking any heart-related medications, unless you count the Topamax I am on for the migraines that have plagued me since my valve surgery :(