A Prayer needed please

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I do hope your mom is doing well. Please let us know if they discovered any reason for her chest pains- besides the obvious she was in a car accident. Hope she is on the mend and starting to feel better. Seems to me the couple times i've been in an accident I felt a little worse the next day. I never had any serious injuries though.
AWWWE your all too sweet,with concerns,
Last 2 days have been heck for mom tests and tests
her breathing issue is fine now,the tests are showing all's
normal,heart is good ecg test was great they said. More x-rays
nothing found and only complaint she has is lying down and getting up
finding it causes pain in her chest when she moves up or down into
a lying position,although she's not much of a complainer with pain
i'm finding shes worried more about dads bruises and how he accumulated
all the bruising from this accident.She's awaiting mri test in 2 weeks time.
hopefully she gets better in time,there also are no blood clots present
that they can see and inr continues to be stable for her and she carries
no bruising on outside of her body to be able to confirm a definate pain
area for her chest pain even.

Will i'll keep you updated with anymore i can and thank-you all
for being so concerned and for your unlimited prayers.:)

Thanks Zipper for the up date. I hope you are looking after yourself during this ugly stressful misfortune with your parents.

Glad to here everything has checked out for the good for your mom and those pain meds are hopefully helping her.

You Take Care ya here!

I just thought of an easily overlooked possibility. Ask the doctors to check for a hematoma in the psoas muscle. (Pronounced SO-as) It is in the lower back and gets overlooked because everyone is concentrating on the spinal cord. The job of the psoas muscle is to hold a person upright. It could be that the effort in getting upright hurts because of a hematoma there. I saw this in one patient. It is rare but worth looking into.

I just thought of an easily overlooked possibility. Ask the doctors to check for a hematoma in the psoas muscle. (Pronounced SO-as) It is in the lower back and gets overlooked because everyone is concentrating on the spinal cord. The job of the psoas muscle is to hold a person upright. It could be that the effort in getting upright hurts because of a hematoma there. I saw this in one patient. It is rare but worth looking into.

Al,THANK-YOU and i sure will print this out and pass it along
to her.She still complaining about it today,so again i appreciate
this information.Means alot and shes willing to check out all avenues.
Thank-you again:):)

After I wrote this I remembered more about the case. It was a young woman who was complaining a lot about pain and her doc couldn't find anything wrong. My receptionist nicknamed her HM for high maintainence. (The receptionist was the younger of them.) We began to think that she was just after drugs. Her doc and I were standing at the nurses station discussing her when another doc walked by and said, "Did you look for a hematoma in the psoas muscle"? Of course we hadn't thought about it and it was the answer
Thanks again Al, Iv'e passed it on to mom
she definately will be going in Tues,being a
holiday here monday. No change,same for her
today,she took to baking 8 loaves of bread and
cinnamin buns,says it's easier than laying down
and getting up with the pain today and one tough
lady my mom is I tell ya.She and dad amaze me.:rolleyes:

Thank-you again and she will check it out
with her doc i will let you know results.

Your mom sounds like one amazing woman! I hope she & your Dad will continue to improve after their frightening accident!

They remain in my thoughts & prayers! :)
I'm really late with this one, but I am happy to hear that all is well; and
your parents are from that strong , no-nonsense generation, that makes
my generation look like a big bunch of babies.If I'm correct ,these are
the WWII generation...? But ther are others.
My brother was in a really bad wreck a couple years ago, and I think
what is struck me most was the suddenness of it all (He came out ok )
Anyway I'm glad everyone seems to be on the mend, and isnt it
beautiful that your mom was more concerned about your dad than
herself ...see true love does last:)
Pain no sleep for mom

Pain no sleep for mom

Just a quick update my mom has an appt.with
her Dr. at 2 pm the time i have to leave for work.
However she has been getting no sleep with the pain
as decribed can't lay down or get up,shes taken info
I gave her regarding Al's info on the psoas muscle.
Because they live in a small community the Dr. isn't
in till 200pm at his office.She says she's had no sleep
all night with the pain,which seems to travel from the
front and back like a knife to her chest.Said the pain
has made her cry this morning,as she couldn't get out
of bed even.The office receptionist questioned her
having a heart attack,but stubbornly my mom said
the pains been there since the accident and failed to
acknowledge any heart attack as a symptom.
I work and will be calling her from work,however home at
1130 pm and I will try and update this post for all.
In meantime i've been rough and have an appt.myself
tomorrow at 8am and hopefully my stuff starts moving here
Thanks everyone for your continued prayers,Dad seems fine.

Prayers continue - wishing the best for your mom at her appt. Im sure you wish you could be there to help ask questions, etc. Hopefully she will discuss the intensity of her pain to the Dr and not just to family!
Take it easy!
Quick update mom has been hospitalised,i snuck home to
wait for her call and the Dr. will be looking into alot of
issues regarding her pain and now heading back to work
her dr. is suppose to call me on my cell with further details
when he knows something more to tell me. They will be checking
into her psoas muscle and any hematomas also,i'm so glad
she is gonna be looked after now and all this will get to answers
we've been waiting for. GOTTA GET BACK TO WORK!!!!:eek:

I'm glad your mom is hospitalized too. There is a reason for the severe pain she is in and I hope they find it soon and correct it. Your family is in my prayers. I'm happy to hear your dad is doing well and hope your mom will be too.