A Prayer needed please

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Just got word my parents were in a car accident they live
8 hrs away and injuries while my dad was passing a large farm
truck with bales and the signal lights were not visible due to
being covered with bales.The ambulance has taken both parents
to hospital my mom is on coumadin and hurt the worst,her ankle
was stuck underneath and the air bags hit her face and neck and her
back in pain. Apparently as dad passed the big truck he was signaling
to turn left also but rcmp have told me the signals were covered on
the large truck with bales. Dads apparently alright but they are worried
about bleeding issues from the coumadin with mom.Geeez thanks to
all for your support in this.....cars been totaled off and both parents
are in the hospital as i type this. I'll keep you informed sure my
blood pressures up now.

Oh I am so sorry, I will pray for everyone.
I know your Mom is on Coum, but maybe Ross can move this so more people can see it and pray? Lyn
A Prayer needed please

I am sorry that your parents had this happen. Sending positive vibes for both of them to recover quickly, especially your mom hopefully not having any injuries being affected by the coumadin.

So very sorry to read this, Zipper. Sending prayers and best wishes your parents will be fine. Please let us know. Be careful about yourself. Don't overstress. I will do no one any good.
Zip, I'm so sorry to hear this....we live in a farming area and every season something tragic happens. It's always so heart wrenching and difficult to comprehend. My thoughts are with you.
Oh THANK-YOU all for your prayers and strenght.
X-rays been completed and no one has anything broken
they wanted to keep mom in due to her warfarin issues
of bleeding,but she begged to go home and they let her.
This raises concerns as iv'e just spoke with her and she
did say if she knew she'd have this much pain she'd have
stayed in hospital,hard for her to cough and back is sore
her neck hurts all from the airbag and seatbelt.The officer
had to rip the door off she said to get to her and then they
waited as the foot and ankle were caught under the floor and
that had to be cut to release her out for ambulance.The truck
driver and dad were not injured.Now she says its hard to get
up when she lays down and hurts to cough,her ankle seems fine
no bruising (YET) she says anywhere,just terribly sore all over.
my mom is a stubborn 83 year old lady and if she don't wanna stay
in the hospital,this is what happens,it wouldn't surprise me if she
does go back to hospital tonite yet,only taking tylenol extra strenght
her pains now.The car is totaled off i told her whats a car it can be
replaced but we can't be and with that news i will close for now
and let you all know if anything gets worse. Thank-you again
for your prayers.

Isn't percoset a pain killer? I took percoset to take away post-surgery pain. your mom is tough. I don't blame her for wanting to be home.
What horrible and scary news. Glad to hear that they are both home now, where they most want to be. Hope being home will help them feel better fast. Sounds like your mom is one tough lady! Prayers and positive thoughts are sent your way, and to your parents!
So sorry to hear this has happened to your parents. I pray that your mom will be alright since she went home. I would think they would of given her some stronger meds for the pain.Hopefully she can get some rest and that should help some. I'm glad nothing was broken.
I will continue to pray that she can recover w/o to much pain. Keep us updated and you try to rest too.