A new baby

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My husband and I went to the animal shelter last night to look for a dog. We had 2 before, one small and one big. The big baby had to be put down 3 years ago and we haven't had one since. Did get some fish, but the one keeps eating the other ones so now I am down to 1. Give up on them. Anyway, this is a male, 4 years old, mixed but we know he does have some cockerspaniel in him. Is about 30 lbs. Our oldest son said that if he smiles at you, then this is the one. This guy did smile at us and I think we are going to bring him home to see how he gets along with the grandkids. Used to sleeping in one of those travel things so I think this will work. We had 2 males before and they left their marks everywhere in the house. Don't want to go through this again. Anyone have any ideas for keeping them from not marking their territory in the house. He will be spaded before he can be taken out so hopefully this will help. I didn't want another male but he acts and looks like such a great dog. I think I might be nuts for doing this but oh well, you only go around once.

First of all, bless you for getting a dog at your local shelter!! If everyone did that and stopped putting money in breeders' pockets, we would not have the critical pet overpopulation problem that we have. It is heart-wrenching to go into a shelter and pick only ONE animal, when there are so many others sitting in those cages just wishing it were them that gets to go home with you. :(

As for marking their spot in the house - do ALL dogs do this?? We got our first dog (Stanley - a 14-year-old bichon) from a Petco store (he was a shelter dog and was being given one last chance to get adopted) last October - we still have far too many cats - :). My heart was captured by Stanley the moment I saw him and Wayne and I went back the next day - Stanley was still there - we adopted him and he has totally taken over our hearts and minds.

Stanley does go (to the bathroom) in the house every now and then but I always thought that was because I didn't get him outside soon enough.

All I know is that Stanley's urine does not have any kind of smell to it - which is the best thing. As most people know, the smell of cat urine is atrocious and very hard to get rid of once it is in carpeting. The latest stray cat we took in has been ornery in that respect - a male - luckily we have wood floors.

SO - I couldn't tell you how to keep a dog from spraying - or a cat for that matter!! There is repellant that you can buy in the stores - you could try that.

Enjoy your new baby!

Christina L.
Marcia, congratulations on your new baby! :) I agree with Christina, a shelter is a wonderful place to get a dog. The only problem is that I want to bring all of them home with me.

Christina, I also have a Bichon. She (Cuddles) is nine years old and spoiled rotten. She only has an accident once in a while when I'm gone to long from home. Can't blame her for that. You are right about her urine not smelling. She is the sweetest, best natured dog that I have ever had. She also loves my outside dog (a blue heeler) which I inherited when my father-in-law died last January. She went with his farm that we bought. She's a wonderful dog too. She loves to fetch and she herds cows like you wouldn't believe. She didn't have to be taught this, it just comes natural to her. The only problem Lady (the blue heeler) hates my cat (Felix) so Felix had to become an inside cat, which was fine with me but not my husband. Oh well, too bad. Felix just walks by my husband and struts, it's like he's saying "Na na a boo boo." :D :D :D
pet shelter

pet shelter

It is really sad to see all of them wanting your attention. We took another female outside and she wouldn't come near us. Very skittish. Unfortunately, many of them had been abused and neglected. This one's owner had to move due to an eviction so I don't think this was the case. I would like to get more active with helping and such, but really don't have much time to do everything I would like to do. I didn't know if I would be able to stay in there very long since they were just cleaning cages etc. and the odor was terrific. Once they started cleaning the cages it wasn't so bad.I am glad that it will be neutered. His name is Valenino so he sounds like he could be a lover. Animals do make a difference in a home. I sure missed having one. Thanks for your replies,
Hi Marcia -

Congratulations on the new family member!

I always try to choose "girl" dogs and "boy" cats to add to our menagerie because it seems to balance their genetic tendencies. Because I think that dogs are very much like men (and I mean that kindly) and I think cats are very much like women. So I think the girl dogs are a bit more "dainty" than the boy dogs (and they don't hike on everything) and the boy cats are a little less "moody" than the girl cats.

It doesn't stop our number one dog, Clover, from swallowing the gophers she catches whole though! Not too dainty!

~Susan W


We are picking him up Friday night after he is neutered. Have already bought a kennel and pillow for him. My husband is so excited and I am hoping that he is a good dog. Had him home Sat. for an hour on visitation and he did very well with the kids(the 6 yr. old twins). Of course he was scared when we picked him up but that was to be expected. He is used to being kennelled which is good since we both work. Good thing he is being neutered with a name like Valentino. We have to get on the same page so he understands the rules. Since he is a few years old do you think that he is going to be easy to train? We always got puppies before. Thanks,