A Less then interesting evening

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Even hindsight isn't 20/20

Even hindsight isn't 20/20


I applaude you for erring on the side of generosity. If the urchins were up to no good, we can hope that they learned a proper lesson.

I don't know what I would have done in your place. But, I do believe that we do the very best that we can at any moment with the information we have at the time. Three cheers for you.

Kindest regards,
There's always something! I think you did the right thing being generous, but it is good that the police have their names. Your wife is brave in confronting them!
I agree with some of the others on this one Ross --- cat story sounds like BS! And I would also follow Nancy's advice of contacting the parents on these "will be hoodlums" & let them know what happened & that they're very lucky you are such a nice guy because they could have run across someone who shoots first & asks questions later!! I bet the parents are were not even aware of what happened & I'm sure they're not going to hear it from the kids!

And, if I had confronted them, I would have done so w/my shinning 357 Revolver in my hands!! :D:)
And Ross, I may add that the other day when we had to go into our next door neighbor's fenced in back yard to pry open the hood of their wrecked pickup, I had the courtesy to call them that evening & let them know what we had had to do to get our little cat Molly.

My point is, that if these kids were looking for their cats :rolleyes:, they should have had the courtesy to let you know prior to them doing what they did. Breaking into other people's property is NEVER RIGHT!!!
I would do what needed done to get their fingerprints on record in case they do this in the future to someone else. That way it would link them to other crimes and they wouldn't get away with anything. Fingerprints on record can be a way to "keep track of them" in case they go onto someone else's property and "look for their cat" again.
Well one important completion to is Lynn wasnot harmed.

Sounds like they are from around here,happens regularly,

but no sign of a cat,but the smell of fish:rolleyes:

they be sitting in cellblock being questioned seperately

then charged when stories didn't comply on both behalfs.

They are lucky accept they got caught,so too late to run.

I hope the parents are aware of this incidence.

Ross i am sorry they chose you and Lynn to be victumized,

like you need another thing in your lives and like they shouldn't

have to put anyone through their unexceptable behavior.

Glad you are both safe and now to quit replaying it in your mind

every time will take time to leave your thoughts. Glad at least they

were introduced to officers and they record their own notes of this.

zipper2 (DEB)
I'm going out to the jail and get a copy of the report since this deputy hasn't called me back with the last name of one of kids. Also, he didn't list a home phone, just a cell phone number on my paper. I have the others home phone and looked the info up and got his dads name.

One lives about 2 miles up the road and the other about 6 miles North of me. Doesn't much matter where they live. They are on record now, so if anything else gets or was broken into around this neighborhood that evening, they know who to go see.
They were probably looking for a place to drink or do drugs,
unless you have alot of valubles in this shed. Regardless, lets
just hope this scares them enough to change paths, I think its good that
the parents will find out...all depending on the parents ,of course:rolleyes
Since you have been in law enforcement,you know how dangerous it can
be to let loose a criminal or con,but also harshness of giving a young person
a record for life if all they were doing was finding a place to drink a beer.
In your situation, I think I would have trouble deciding what to do also.
I realise that you and your wife have taken the time to do the right thing,
where most people would have left it to others.
There need to be more people like you and Lynn.
I haven't been in law enforcement, I only was trained and ready to go. The Sheriff at the time only wanted reserve deputies. Reserve deputies did not get paid, had to purchase all of their own equipment and uniforms. I didn't much like the idea of being shot or tussling with a huge person and not getting paid for it, so I stopped right after training. Plus, I had babies to buy food and diapers for and couldn't begin to afford the equipment much less the uniforms.

I am state certified, but in order for my certificate to be valid, I'd have to go back now and train for whatever the new requirements are by the Peace Officer Training Council. It used to be 340 hours, now it appears it's 582 hours. Maybe if I were physically fit, I'd consider it, but my days of running, jumping over fences and taking large people to the ground are over.

Ohio Peace Officer Training Curriculum
Basic Training Curriculum- 582 Hours Total
Unit 1 Administration 21 Hours
Unit 2 Legal 77 Hours
Unit 3 Human Relations 91 Hours
Unit 4 Firearms 60 Hours
Unit 5 Driving 24 Hours
Unit 6 Subject Control 60 Hours
Unit 7 First Aid 12 Hours
Unit 8 Patrol 48 Hours
Unit 9 Civil Disorders 8 Hours
Unit 10 Traffic 72 Hours
Unit 11 Investigation 58 Hours
Unit 12 Physical Conditioning 30 Hours
Unit 13 Homeland Security 21 Hours
Missed this story.
First - Lyn has guts (or a little lack of common sense??? ;)) I would have run inside and picked up the phone immediately.

The fact that they didn't run (and I'm pretty sure they could have out-run Lyn) makes me think that they aren't hardened criminals. Maybe this scare of getting caught is just what they needed. You can get their contact information with the report, so if they don't make good on the damages, their parents will find out at the very least.

The fact that, if the cat story was true, they didn't just come to your door and ask permission to look really doesn't surprise me for 2 18 year-old boys.

We've been burglarized before and there is a deep sense of your personal world being violated. But I think you made the right moves. As you've said - a report has been filed, if needed, further action can be taken.
Missed this story.
First - Lyn has guts (or a little lack of common sense??? ;)) I would have run inside and picked up the phone immediately.

The fact that they didn't run (and I'm pretty sure they could have out-run Lyn) makes me think that they aren't hardened criminals. Maybe this scare of getting caught is just what they needed. You can get their contact information with the report, so if they don't make good on the damages, their parents will find out at the very least.

The fact that, if the cat story was true, they didn't just come to your door and ask permission to look really doesn't surprise me for 2 18 year-old boys.

We've been burglarized before and there is a deep sense of your personal world being violated. But I think you made the right moves. As you've said - a report has been filed, if needed, further action can be taken.

Yes. My son Steve's car was broken into 3 different times right outside my bedroom window. He had a convertable top and they knifed it each time to gain entry. $500 a pop and the poor kid had to pay it each time. He finally got rid of the darn car. It was broken into a total of 7 times before he got rid of it. I feel sorry that he had to pay for the damage that someone else caused, but the idiot made his car a piece of eye candy that attracted attention. It was screaming steal my stuff. Nonetheless, just knowing I was less then 8 feet away when it happened in my driveway, well I went and put my firearm under the bed and got 2 sets of handcuffs. Never did it happen again here.
I'm going out to the jail and get a copy of the report since this deputy hasn't called me back with the last name of one of kids. Also, he didn't list a home phone, just a cell phone number on my paper. I have the others home phone and looked the info up and got his dads name.

One lives about 2 miles up the road and the other about 6 miles North of me. Doesn't much matter where they live. They are on record now, so if anything else gets or was broken into around this neighborhood that evening, they know who to go see.

Yes, you should have your own copy of the report and their names. I'm also thinking that if they still live with their parents that a phone call or letter to the parents may be effective. If my little darling commited a crime while under my care, I sure as heck would want to know about it and be able to ensure that the darling was held accountable.
You are a kinder person than I. Bless you. Anyway, has either of the little hoodlums tried to make restitution yet? I sort of doubt they will if given the chance to just sneak away. I would contact the parents as I'm pretty positive that nothing of this encounter has been mentioned to them. Set a date by which they need to come and make some type of amends to you:rolleyes:. If they fail, then charge them... Having raised two, I always told them, get arrested and you will be spending time in jail. I don't bail out law breakers.. They are now 31 and 29 respectively and still know that if they try to call me from behind bars, the only thing they will hear from me is "when are visiting hours and what kind I cookies can I bring you?":cool:
Ross--You are not going to believe this, but you need to be a little careful here. There are circumstances under which using the threat of criminal prosecution to enforce a valid civil claim can be construed as extortion. (This may sound weird, but I am completely serious).

I agree with Bob. Press charges, and perhaps let the prosecutor work out a deal where the case can be dismissed if they pay restitution, and perhaps some community service. it can be done so they don't get a criminal record. I put together many similar dispositions when I was city attorney.

What a hassle--good luck.
As the mother of an 18 year old, I can tell you than even an 18 year old with an extremely high IQ has zero common sense. Mine is a girl, and if my 15 year old son is any indication, boys are probably worse. We raised our children to think of others, do the right thing, etc., but teenagers have a difficult time thinking of anyone but themselves.

I think you were right in your response. These guys could easily have run, or even worse, they could have hurt one or both of you. They chose to stay around and talk to the police. Personally, I think a better punishment would be to build you a new shed. If they had clean records, I don't think this one act of stupidity should brand them for life. Remember back to your teenage years. Although I never broke into anyone's shed, there were a few things I did that were probably against the law, including driving by my boyfriend's house several times one evening at all hours of the night and each time honking my horn three times to signify "I love you." Definitely disturbing the peace and probably keeping the neighbors awake.