A Happy Pill: Chicagoland Mini Reunion

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Alrighty, now that we know we don't have a World Series to watch in Chicagoland, let's do something FUN!!!!!!!!!!

It seems I've been designated to come up with some dates for us Chicagoans (others are welcome, too, of course) to get together.... Thusly.......

Possible dates (calendar, that is ;) ) :

Sunday afternoon, November 2

Friday evening, November 7

Sunday afternoon, November 9

Friday evening, November 21

Friday evening, December 5

Sunday afternoon, December 14

Friday evening, December 19

Possible activities (all including lunch if Sunday afternoon or dinner if Friday evening) :

Pool (we had fun, didn't we Gina?) @ Algonquin <---my personal fav

"Field trip" of sorts...to a place to be determined



Other ideas?

Let's get this scheduled folks :)

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 30/swm
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I need a 'happy pill at this point! Thanks Cort.
Would you believe....the only weekend I am fully open is one of that you did not list!!! 11/15 -16? Have obligations galore on the calendar. From mid Nov. to Jan......always some sort of commitment! Generally, just collapse come Jan 2nd.:eek: Whatever works for you all. If I don't catch you this time.....see you in 2004!

Perry and I discussed starting local VR.com pot luck dinners. Host/hostess makes the main dish...guests can bring the sides;)

Since Perry and Kathie will have a spanking brand new kitchen...they offered to host the first one after the New Year!
If you don't have a space of your own to have the bunch.....we can double up on the locations. :)
One can always use a "happy pill". Most of those dates are pretty filled for me too. But a pot luck group sounds like a great idea. After the New Year would be good too - past the holiday rush.

Hi Cort,

Unfortunately I too can't make the November or December Dates. In November I spend a couple of weekends making tamales with friends of mine. We all chip in on the cost of the ingredients, and go through the tamale making process together. I usually end up giving them away to my family for Christmas presents. We can't usually make them at my house, because if I have four people in my kitchen its way too crowded! I live in a small house.

December we have exams at work and one of m jobs is: I'm the exam co-ordinator. I'll be working 12+ hour days, and come the weekend I'm beat.

So I guess the beginning of the year will be the soonest for me too. As far as the potluck,I could bring a dish places, but don't have enough room in my kitchen or living room for more than a couple of people besides myself.

If I find myself free one of the weekends in November I'll let you know.
Yes, Lorraine. I do love the sound of your house! Have been pondering the thought of selling our home and buying something smaller. Too much work!

Mmmmmmm, tamales! We might have to do a Mexican theme when it's our turn! Think you all may enjoy my 'chicken tacos'. Anyone for a margarita?:D

PS. Karlynn. Sorry, just found your PM. from yesterday. Hmmmm, this happens often. Looks like we may just have to wait until after the New Year. Most of us are tied up til then. Let's try keep La Tosca in mind still! Yummy! Week days are tough. But maybe we can squeeze one in!
Thanks Anne,

I believe its like 950 Square Feet. Lived there 27 years so I'm not complaining. I've only had the family over for the holidays just once, the first Christmas there. Once was enough! :D We were like sardines! :D Needless to say, all my sisters said they rather take turns having the holidays at their house!
Post Holidays Potluck

Post Holidays Potluck

Yes indeed, the Anderson's will host a vr.com potluck dinner (aka, mini-reunion) right after the holidaze are over.

Cort, I'm no good for any of those dates either. Sorry.

Karlynn, Gina, Lorraine, Cort and anyone else who wants to join us is most certainly welcome.

In the meanwhile, please don't get too stressed out over the holidaze. We're breaking in the new kitchen with a family type reunion at Christmas. I heard we might have up to 30 or so around the house! It'll be fun and I'll get to wear the Santa hat again.

Ho Ho Ho or Ho Hum......

Ho Ho Ho or Ho Hum......

"please don't get too stressed out over the holidays"

Easier said than done :D!

You know....we usually have 2 'just for the heck of it' holiday parities at our home. On top of hosting Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Day. This year I am trimming it back, sitting back and letting others have a crack at it for once.
I am sooooooo worn out come Jan 1st. Decided to do just Christmas this year! Can't miss out on Santa;)
*reviews posts*


Fine...yank away my happy pill. Be like that.

Heh...and ya'll said I am the busy one.... Guess ya'll proved yourselves WRONG......(insert evil grin here) LOL!!!

Alrighty...well, would be cool to get SOMETHING together soon......even if it is one or 2 of us....... Tho, I do understand about waiting until after the Holidays...when the rush slows down.....


I like the idea of the potluck dinners/lunches...cool! But, I'd still like to play pool at least sometime ;)

Let's at least keep this thread going...ideas flowing (so to speak) and do NOT lose touch. I know I know...life gets in the way, for various reasons. But, well, (selfish mode...) it's tough to have so many friends in other states...that I like it when I find friends in the same state...LOL
9 Ball Anyone?

9 Ball Anyone?

Hey Cort,

Don't get too depressed over us illusive local vr.comer's schedules.

I have a pool table in my basement family room. So, practice up and we'll definitely do some 8 or 9-ball at our potluck dinner after the holidays.

If I can't get the laundry off of the table in time, then we can always go a few blocks to Slate Street Billiards owned by friends of ours.

Ditch the laundry!

Ditch the laundry!

Hey Perry.

Think Cort will be pleased to hear about your pool table. Maybe he will even win this time...... right Cort, lol:D
Ah, Perry! You just made my night. In fact, I'm on my way over to your house right now :) he he he. And, Gina, yes I will win...one of these days :).

Lookin' forward to playing pool on that pool table of yours, Perry!

As for the schedules...naw, I'm not depressed. I just find it ironic (heh...irony rocks :)) that most of ya'll think I have a hectic and busy schedule....when none of ya can make the dates I put forth to the group :).

Life's a Beach!?

Life's a Beach!?

Yeah, go figure. We all can get so busy that it's very tough to connect in person!
There's really not enough hours in the day, are there?

Weekends are already booking up fast right through the holidaze.

On a bummer of a note: I used to work 3 floors down in that Chicago office building in which last night's fire took 6 people's lives. I remember the fire drills that we had to do a couple of times a year and thinking it could never happen!

See ya 'round.
Hey, Cort. . .

Hey, Cort. . .

If you can bear with me for a few days until I can once again find my calendar, there may be some hope here. . .

If I don't put something on the board here, I'll call on your cell.
*checks in*


Perry, so true...not enough hours in the day. Heh...ironic that I see your post about this today, as I've been procrastinating like you wouldn't believe :(. Unfortunately, that seems to have become commonplace for me...and it is very frustrating, since I feel like I'm always "wasting time".... Aye, that's a whole other thread...sorry for the tangent.

And, I saw that fire Friday on TV...very scary...especially when they thought all was well, but found more later....

*turns to look at Steve*

That'd be awesome, bro :). Just let me know...at your convenience...I know you are going through a lot of different things right now....

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