a Golden Anniversary

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Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
Nov 4, 2012
Queensland, OzTrayLeeYa
big things deserve time to get going and roll for a while. Its harder to imagine a bigger deal than a Golden Anniversary (which is 50 years for those who don't use such symbols).

So while its tomorrow my time (and you guys over in the states will have to wait another day after that) I just wanted to kick the party off with wishing dick0236 a happy Golden Anniversary.

To mark the occasion I got a cake made with honey cream... cos its golden.


As cake is made to be shared I got together with the guy I was helping him to re-roof his house (container of roofing screws in the background in a shot) and had afternoon tea and toasted to Dicks Good Health with some cake and tea. (Tony's mother had a valve done a few years back and while she's in her 80's shes only a newbie ;-)

So Tony sliced the cake

and divvied it up ... I got this slice (and sorry Dick, I ate yours too mate)

So, not knowing if you like tea, served you this ... in absentia of course

Now Dick, I know its not a wedding anniversary, so excuse me using the Golden Anniversary for this purpose, but you know ...

From what little I know your "marriage" to your ball and cage (not ball and chain) was probably a bit of a "Shotgun Wedding" but it seems to have turned out to be a long and happy marriage.

I hope that all the regulars will raise a glass and toast you on your fine achievement ...

Happy 50th mate
pellicle;n878352 said:
......and divvied it up ... I got this slice (and sorry Dick, I ate yours too mate)

Happy 50th mate

Thanks Pellicle and Agian.......and I'm glad you ate my cake.....'cause its about noon here in Kentucky and I'm about out of my door on the way to the gym......and cake and the treadmill don't go together.

Needless to say, I never thought this day would come. Goes to show just how much we really know.....or can really control.

It's kinda funny that one of my surgeons made a point in telling me that my valve had a "design life" of fifty years. Back in the 1960s, normal life expectancy was 73.....so he thought my valve would last my lifetime.....with a few years to spare. My cardio now tells me that a "failed heart valve" is probably not in my future........so now, at 81, I can concern myself with plain ole mortality.......what a relief:)
Well, this certainly deserves a celebration! Dick, so happy to wish you a Happy 50th! May you continue with many more years of health and happiness. You are truly an inspiration for all of us. Thank you for sharing your journey and wisdom. We are very lucky to have you on this forum.
Congratulations for Dick and Pellicle! I find both very inspirational. Reading them definitely eases my mind.
Dick, Happy 50th anniversary! Or is that valversary? Pellicle, nice way to mark this occasion!
Hearty Congratulations, Dick! You have been an inspiration to literally generations of patients here, and I can think of nobody more deserving of this honor!

Also, thanks to pellicle for bringing the whole bash together. Great idea!
Congrats Dick, brilliant stuff..... I've competed in a Guiness world record but we didn't make it... now I can say I know a world record holder !! :):)
Agian;n878416 said:
Is 50 years the record!?

Depends on who you ask? There was a fella, Bob Baker of Ohio, USA, who used to post on this forum(screen name RCB) that had a valve implanted 10/27/1960 per the Guinness World Records. He had a couple of reops over the years and has not been active on this site for several years. Guinness lists him as "longest surviving heart-valve transplant patient". Last I heard Bob was still alive.

In another record, Guinness also lists Doris Clare of London, UK as the "longest surviving heart-valve transplant patient". Her surgery was 30, April, 1969. Her dob was 20 Sept 1926, so she would be almost 93 if she is still alive.

My surgery was 8/16/1967 so I'm in this mix somewhere. I had an email conversation with one of the developers of my valve (Dr. Albert Starr) a few years ago and he indicated that "there where still a number of this old ball valve in use after 40+ years". When I think about it, this is a record I'm not sure I really want :Scared:

We already have one Guiness record in our family. Darren Manning, my grandaughters husband and a retired IndyCar racing driver holds the Guiness record for "Fastest speed driving in reverse".......165.08 km (103 mph)......Now that takes skill and a lot of guts.....and maybe even a little insanity LOL.
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Sound like different records, Sensei. I read on wiki that the first avr was in 1960, so maybe that was Bob Baker. He sounds like he needed it replaced, eventually.

Tell Darren I'm going to try to beat his record, in the shopping centre carpark this afternoon.
Agian;n878427 said:
.......I read on wiki that the first avr was in 1960, so maybe that was Bob Baker.

Tell Darren I'm going to try to beat his record, in the shopping centre carpark this afternoon.

Actually, Bob Baker, if my memory serves me, was the first child(age 10?) to have OHS in 1960.....and his valve had to be replaced a couple times. The very first patient was also in 1960, his name was Philip Admundson and he lived for about 10 years post surgery. The story is that his death was the result of falling off a ladder while doing some work on his roof.....not a valve issue.

I'll let Darren know that you are gunning for his record. He needed an airport runway(Kemble Airfield) to pull off his record. You must really be good if you do it in shopping center parking lot...especially if there are cars parked in the lot.....LOL. I'd be scared to go that fast in Drive.....much less Reverse!

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