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I think you have every right to be concerned about your health. You've had heart surgery, the Maze, atrial fibrillation and have had rheumatic fever. It's not like you are just another ordinary person, you are SPECIAL. Look at what you have been through.

No one can possibly tell what type of arrhythmias they are having unless they have an EKG machine at home. There are many, many types of them. Going to have them checked out if they are bothering you is a natural and normal reaction, and I believe, necessary in your situation.

My own feeling is that you are far too concerned about what your doctor thinks of you. And your doctor is playing you like a violin, since he knows that you are sensitive to that, and he can get rid of you by making you feel guilty. To heck with what he thinks of you. You go when you feel you need to. And don't be put off by a flippant person.

Get the nelp that you need, even if it results in someone telling you (after testing you) that you have something benign going on. Just make sure they do the right testing for the given situation.
Hang in there...

Hang in there...

I don't know what it's like to have surgery myself, I just have PAC's and A-fibs. I'm on a low dose of Toprol XL and that helps. I do have those times when I have this "sense" that something's going to happen and then within the next several hours I'll have a small episode of PAC's and sometimes the A-fib. My advise to you is this -- It is your body and your health -- you have every right to be concerned and bothered by anything that you don't feel is normal. If your dr. seems too unconcerned and you have the possibility of getting a 2nd opinion or finding someone new and that would make you feel better then by all means you do it. I know this is not heart, but my cousin has had some troubles with cysts and things on her ovaries and uterus and her Dr. has totally blown her off and at one point basically told her that if it was cancer, it's too late to do anything now -- but after many talks with her by myself and her husband she's finding a new dr and getting some answers. She's already feeling much better that the new dr. called to see if she could come in earlier than her original time for their appointment so that they could have more time together to go over her records -- the new dr basically blocked off an hour just to talk to her. That's what we all need - a dr that makes us feel like a person who needs help and they want to help us. Best of luck and hang in there.
I truly believe some of us after heart

I truly believe some of us after heart

surgery have post traumatic stress syndrome. It is really something what we have gone through (major understatement). I had PACs a lot after my surgery and haven't had any in a while but I have enough else going on. :(

Anyway, PACs/PVCs can be brought on by stress and when you start to have them, it is a vicious circle because you then become MORE stressed because you have them!

I agree with some other posts here - maybe you should find a new cardiologist. I, myself, am considering that. Your relationship with your cardiologist is SO important. I am finding out that I am not getting information from my cardio - reading letters that he wrote to other doctors telling them that my heart has been this way for years (enlarged) whereas he didn't tell me that when he dropped the bomb of "your right heart is slightly enlarged" last November.

Anyway, I can relate totally to your anxiety and don't feel bad or guilty over being anxious!! You have EVERY right to be anxious. That said, I hope that you will try some antianxiety medications along with some medication, deep breathing, yoga, moderate exercise, doing something fun and engrossing that will take your mind off of things --- all things that I am trying to do myself!!

You are going to be fine - I hope you can find a great cardio who will be empathetic and will listen and give you sound advice.

Christina L
Just a thought

Just a thought

Have you thought about taking someone with you to your cardiologist appointments as some support? When my cardiologist told me I would need surgery he was running late and basically rushed me out the door. (Although every other time he has been good). So when I see him next I am taking my husband with me as his presence gives me added confidence and he is a lot more assertive and pushy than I am!! :)
When I interviewed a surgeon who impressed when I heard him making rounds during my last surgery, I happened to be in A-fib. He gave me his standard handout for the MAZE procedure which included being followed by HIM personally for several months until the heart had 'stabilized'.

I suggest that you get copies of ALL of your records since surgery, take them to the SURGEON's office, and ask HIM to follow you until YOUR heart stabilizes.

Hope this works for you!

'AL Capshaw'

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