A BIG black eye and some scrapes

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Oh Blanche,
just sending out more (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) to you and Al.
We are all so deeply concerned.
One day at a time girl
she said she might not post over the weekend as she'd be at the hospital. Maybe today but I bet she is so tired. I'm just posting here to let her know we are thinking/praying for them both.
hensylee said:
she said she might not post over the weekend as she'd be at the hospital. Maybe today but I bet she is so tired. I'm just posting here to let her know we are thinking/praying for them both.

These are my thoughts too.
Blanche, just wanted you to know that I'm thinking and praying for both you and Al. I'm glad that you are at the hospital and that the doctors are staying on top of things. LINDA

Al's INR was 1.6 and the docs would like it even lower!!
The hold warfarin for 3 days syndrome. Blanche will be on top of this.
This is very unnerving regarding stroke, but they need to control bleeding.
He will be in hospital for another 3-4 days.
Otherwise he is not in pain, lets be thankful for that.
Thanks Bina. I'm glad he's not in any pain. I hope Blanche is getting some rest too. Continuing to keep them both in my prayers.
Couldn't settle for just being ugly huh? Well I do hope their watching like hawks for signs of clots.