A BIG black eye and some scrapes

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ditto what Ross said. You should take a picture of him (and one each day) to show him what has happened and keep them for reminders if needed.

We are thankful that there is no crack in his head and hope for good results from the eye dr.

Tell him we are waiting and watching.
So glad there's no crack. I hope all the rest of the news is good.

Did you get any further explanation on the holding of Coumadin? That does concern me. I'm certainly not advising to not follow the instructions, but am hoping you are getting clear reasons as to why it should be done if you are choosing to follow them and it's not just a comfort thing for the doctor.
I agree about holding the coumadin. Doesn't seem right if there's not bleeding going on. When I wacked my head they didn't tell me to hold it.

To me, the ER is the best place to deal with these things.
Al's in the hospital

Al's in the hospital

Took Al to Emergency Room and they are going to keep him for another two days or so.

THis morning when he woke, the side of his face was all black, and the eye was swelled up even more. He is bleeding internally. The problem is that the hospitalist, emergency room doctor, and a hemotologist all want his to stop taking Coumadin for the next two days...or so....He did not take his dose last night.

I only have a few moments here..Came home to pick up clothes to sleep in in the hospital for me.

THey are giving him frozen plasma now. I believe that this should be enough.
They are telling me that there is no other option. I am beside myself.

I did send an email to Al Lodwick, but he is probably away.

Will say more when I get back to the house tomorrow or the next day.

Blanche, you have my prayers. If he is still bleeding giving him the plasma seems to be the thing to do. If it were me, I'd rather have that than shots of Vit. K. It sounds like they are doing the correct things.

Please keep in mind Betty who was just off Coumadin for an extended period for cervical spine surgery and did well.

Again - you have my prayers - both of you!
BLANCHE, there are times when being on warfarin is more dangerous than being off of it. Al is in such a time. I just came through one of them too and although it is uncomfortably risky it was the lesser of two evils. Most of the head is a closed space and bleeding inside that space puts pressure on/in the brain and can lead to as bad or worse than that of a clot being thrown by a valve. The fact that he has increased bleeding and bruising really makes it a closed issue. Remember, Warfarin won't make him bleed but if he's bleeding it will make that bleeding worse. Say lots of extra prayers but I think the docs in this instance are making the correct call. Its a tough position you are in and I really feel for you.
bvdr said:
BLANCHE, there are times when being on warfarin is more dangerous than being off of it. Al is in such a time. I just came through one of them too and although it is uncomfortably risky it was the lesser of two evils. Most of the head is a closed space and bleeding inside that space puts pressure on/in the brain and can lead to as bad or worse than that of a clot being thrown by a valve. The fact that he has increased bleeding and bruising really makes it a closed issue. Remember, Warfarin won't make him bleed but if he's bleeding it will make that bleeding worse. Say lots of extra prayers but I think the docs in this instance are making the correct call. Its a tough position you are in and I really feel for you.

Blanche I am sorry Al is bleeding internally, but wanted to agree with everything Betty wrote. I worked almost 20 years as a blood bank tech in a big trauma center and from what it sounds like the way Al's doctors seem to be on top of things.
You are both in my prayers,Lyn

I have been in your position a few times. As I mentioned, Joe had to be off Coumadin several times for an extended time. It was to save his life.

I agree with everything Betty said.

Keep positive thoughts, his doctors have made the right call. The bleeding is worse right now, than being off Coumadin.

May God be with you both.

Take care.
you are beside yourself and we are beside you, too.

My heart dropped when I saw your post. Came in to check if there was news and sorry for this news. We are thinking of you and Al and praying for you both. I know you are very scared right now. Keep faith.

We love you, you know.
Blanche, woke up this morning thinking of Al and you. You continue to be in my prayers.
I've been following your misadventure, and want you to know that I'm thinking of you and Al. Things like this get complicated and scary very fast.

However, the worst of it also tends to pass by just as quickly (though he'll likely keep the shiner for a while). I hope things turn better very soon for you both.

Very best wishes,
Hi Blanche

So sorry to hear of Al's fall.....but very glad to hear there's no fracture!!!! Well, he certainly won't take the recycles out at night again, will he!!!

Everything will be ok, I just know it. Tell everyone you hit him in the eye!!!! That will definitely get some attention.


I'm sooo sorry, I just read page 2 of the posts and found out Al is bleeding internally......I just thought he had a shiner and that was it.

Well, I will immediately put him in my prayers....and you, too!!! Sorry to seem so "flip" I thought he was fine.....See, a lesson learned is that you should read everything before you open your mouth.

Again, he WILL be in my prayers.

Blanche.I wanted to bump your post..back up to the top of small talk....Not small talk with Al..How is he doing?.....Please let us know..we worry...Weekends are slow on VR.Com.....but remember many of us will be back tomorrow...wanting to know the news on Al..I am sure..many prayers coming his way..Bonnie