I’m almost exactly 12 months out. I haven’t figured out how to do a pic that isn’t too too whatever 70 old lady scar. . But mine is very thin and much smaller than I imagined it could be. The very top was the last to heal, not in an open way but with aches maybe from the initial top bone cut.
I used mahanaryan oil on my chest areas but not on the incision directly until it seemed healed over. I find that oil really helps generally with muscle and joint areas. If anyone tries it, a little goes a long way and will stain.
The drain tubes were the last to heal as well. I think it’s because they suggest this surgical bra thing that feels good, especially the first 4-6 weeks riding in cars or other things with jostling. But, parts of that or any regular bra are right on the drainage cuts. We need more women surgeons.
Fancy tattoo is a neat idea! Love it! Im 9 years out and you can barely see my scar. It's very flat. Must be some kind of variance in how folks differ in production of scar tissue?
Any thoughts on risk of endocarditis when breaking the skin with the needle? I have played with the thought of getting one myself but the “risk” of infection kept me away from it.
Any thoughts on risk of endocarditis when breaking the skin with the needle? I have played with the thought of getting one myself but the “risk” of infection kept me away from it.
plenty here on that topic ... summary position:
you have a bigger risk of endo from dental work (especially scale and clean, as well as extraction. Tatts typically have hepatitis as the major risk.