AdrockTN;n846825 said:
Definitely not to the level of soreness that I experienced right after surgery ...
I'm thinking it might be a case of just overworking ... doing push-ups, holding 4 minute planks, etc ... I might just need to dial it back a notch. I just assumed that all would be normal by now. Silly me.
I'll paste in what I posted on another thread, I think its related to your issue:
I'm going to say that mine equally feels discomfort (I use that word discomfort because for me pain is something which I've come to recognise as distinctly different). If you consider that there has been an amount of unnatural streching go on during the surgery that's likely to cause soft tissue damage, say like spraining an ankle rather than breaking it.
I have also had someone else say to me that the disturbances to the soft tissues can take quite some time to settle down. I have memories from my first OHS (distant ones) where I was really easily disturbed by pressure to that area (don't ask why I took up fencing ok) and to me it took from my early teens to my late teens before that settled.
When I had my second OHS it took about a year before I could do the sort of deep breathing that comes with sustained cycling at HR between 140 and 160 bpm. At first it just felt like my chest was tight.
Actually I have always found the descriptions of this to be ambiguous, for "tight ness in the chest" seems so unclear.
A couple of years after my 2nd surgery I had a fall and broke 2 ribs (wasn't that fun) and well after the 8 weeks time I was feeling difficulty in breathing in with exactly the same sort of "tightness" as I had after the OHS.
When I was riding my bike out to a place in Finland (just after I got there) I was feeling that there was some restriction in my breathing, that I couldn't get enough in, almost as if something was reaching a limit of expansion. Then (because I'm a mad bastard I pushed through that) something felt like it "tore" but without pain, like when I'm pulling things out of an fish that I'm gutting (ok, I fish too ... and I hunt, ya got me there). Soon after that the blood blister popped up (I posted about that in my thread on "post surgical feelings".
I'm of the view that there was some "adhesion" (you know, the layers of tissue {pellicle membranes} that surround and seperate muscles from the areas they lay in, and the bones they move across) which being damaged during surgery grow together (as they are not supposed to) in a scar tissue.
Since these scar tissues lack the levels of elastin (normally found in skin and such membranes) they are inflexible and need to be stretched. I'm sure that (them containing nerves) this also feels painful.
So, how does that fit with your feelings of what you're feeling?