8 weeks post op question

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2008
hi ,
So I am feeling great cardiovascular wise...just checking in regarding tightness in chest around scar (pulling sensation) and soreness still in collar bone (mostly with too much use of arms.) I realize most of this is "normal" but at what time do these symptoms start to subside, more. I have been stretching daily, would PT be something worth talking to Dr about? Other ideas?:confused:
Thanks Dana
I think what you are experiencing at this point is completely normal. It just takes time. Remember, your chest has been moved in totally unnatural positions. My upper back and shoulder were my problem. I found that massage really helped and was getting 2 a week for a while there.

I think what you are experiencing at this point is completely normal. It just takes time. Remember, your chest has been moved in totally unnatural positions. My upper back and shoulder were my problem. I found that massage really helped and was getting 2 a week for a while there.


I worried about massage too soon...did you get them as early as two mo out?

I had the exact symptoms and I went to see the doctor as the nurse at the cardiac rehab wanted to be sure it was not serious. And it was not!!:D

The pain was mascular due to the stretching and arm exercising I started at the rehab. I shall resume those exercises next week, but at a lesser level.

I am not sure when you started stretching...if your symptoms started after stretching, it is mascular and try not to overdo it. If in doubt, check with your doctor.

[Note: a thin wire thread is coming through my insicion:eek:. I would have been horrified if I had not read about it in your previous thread].
I had my first massage at 3 weeks post op. I was lucky in that I was able to lie on my stomach then, but she said it wouldn't be a problem if I couldn't.

By 8 weeks I was still pretty sore,had alot of tingling in my shoulders
and neck.
For some,this is a time when the sternum is knitting back
together and healing can be painful or uncomfortable.

I think massage is fine as long as it is done gently.
Kim was better than me...at 3 weeks I was still on my back,
no way I could lay on my stomach then!
Give yourself some time,we all heal differently.

At 8 weeks post-op, I had quite a bit of discomfort in my collar bone and shoulder areas. It was pretty much gone by 12 weeks. Just hang in there...it'll get better!

hi ,
So I am feeling great cardiovascular wise...just checking in regarding tightness in chest around scar (pulling sensation) and soreness still in collar bone (mostly with too much use of arms.) I realize most of this is "normal" but at what time do these symptoms start to subside, more. I have been stretching daily, would PT be something worth talking to Dr about? Other ideas?:confused:
Thanks Dana

Dana - I can't predict when your sensations will subside. As others have replied, it seems we all heal at different rates and feel different sensations and pains. This Friday will be 8 weeks for me as well. I have been progressively lifting light weights for a couple weeks now. I have really stayed light on anything that engages my pectoral muscles and light in general because my entire body especially upper body is weak. I have also done some slow, easy stretches for my chest but not necessarily recommending any of this. What I feel is happening is my sternum is doing fine but the muscles which have been traumatized and are now atrophied as well are responding to the exercise normally. I'm 53 and have worked out all my life, and as a result, I'm very in touch with my body's response to it. Muscles are and should be a little sore and tight after using them alot, but for me, this has been very temporary. I still have the tenderness and tightness from the surgery and, from what I've read, some of this can last for months. The sternum heals about 80% by 4 weeks and the remaining 20% takes another 8 weeks. I don't do anything that feels seriously painful or like burning. And I stay congizant of the sternum (bone) healing time table. You probably know this but it's worth mentioning, stretching is best after you warm up your muscles and should always be done gently with no bouncing. I can't see a thing negative about massage as long as it doesn't apply a lot of weight to the front or back. Like a few other posters, my greatest pain has been coming from my trapzius muscles to the point where I roll my back on a tennis ball on the floor to break the spasms. I should get a massage. In any case, what you're decribing sounds quite normal. Question though - according to your profile, your surgery was less than 1 month ago. Did I get that right?
Everyone heals differently. I sure felt the tightness around my scar. In fact, I used to joke that I thought they sewed me up too tight. In reality they didn't, but it sure felt like it sometimes. Actually, it still does as my scar went keloid so is still quite tender (I'm almost 3 years post-op). For about a year my neck and shoulders really ached. They still do occasionally, usually when the weather changes. I compare it to the residule effects of whiplash long after a car accident. OHS was a major trauma to the body, and they twist you around into an unnatural position on the table, so some residual effect to muscles etc is normal. It's nothing that inhibits me from doing anything, it's just a bit of discomfort from time to time....nothing a couple of Tylonol Arthritis formula won't fix.
Dana ... like others said what is going on seems pretty much normal ... they opened you up and mot or less hooked you to a come-a-long and stretch you open ... I had more pain in my neck, back and shoulders than ever from the incisions ... everyone is different but your body has been through the ringer and it really does take about a year to fully mend .... patience weed-hopper:)
You Guys are awesome! Thank you for the reassurance! Patience is something that is a challenge for me ( I have such a hard time sitting still!). I will continue to walk walk walk, stretch and slowly work muscles.
Jeffm - I guess I need to change my profile ...surgery was planned for Oct 8 and got moved up to Sept 2 due to symptoms.
Try this: Lie on your back with your head and neck on a low-to-medium firm pillow. It's best to have your legs stretched out, but if this is uncomfortable for your lower back, bend your knees so that your lower back is comfortable. Have your arms by your sides.

Now: How far out can you spread your arms before you start to feel a little pull? How far until it's quite a pull? Is there a point where you say, "No way! That is SO not happening!"?

Start with the "little pull" point, and relax and breathe with your arms in that position. Be sure to breathe OUT all the way. (Everyone forgets that part.) So some of the breathing from the abs and some from the chest. (Everyone also forgets that there are some times when you WANT to breathe from the chest -- namely, when you want to expand and stretch it out!)

I started doing this not long after surgery. Getting down on the ground was the hardest part, even with help! Anyway, do this a few times a day and you will progress to having your arms higher and higher until they are straight out to the sides.

Remember: It's not a contest! You don't win a prize for just getting your arms up. The idea is that you go step by step NOT wincing in pain and NOT having trouble breathing. You just keep reinforcing what your body can already do comfortably and expanding to the next step as your body is able to do it.
In addition to the massage for the muscles and gentle stretching one thing that really helped me was to firmly massage the top of my scar. The helped to flatten it by dispersing the fluid in the tissue and also helped to make it less sensitive to the touch. I was in agony for a while as the slightest touch drove me wild.

Keep on healin' !