Sore tooth!

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Hello all,

I have a question to run by you. I have a sore tooth on the top left side of my mouth and it is tender to bite but after I bite on it awhile the pain goes away. I woke up with it on Wed a.m. I called the dentist office first thing in the morning and made an appointment for the following day. I cancelled the appointment because about one hour into the day the pain went away and I thought it was my sinuses. Well the toothache is back and now it is the weekend and I can't get to the dentist until Monday. The question is... should I call my physician and get an antibiotic just in case I am starting with an infected tooth? I don't want to take them if I don't need to due to the avalanche effect. Antibiotic...yeast infection...! This is the first dental issue since my surgery!


I can only tell you what I did. A few days before my scheduled cleaning, I had a tooth that started to bother me. My wife, (RN) told me to swish warm salt water in my mouth. I did that for at least three or four days. When I had my cleaning, I told my dentist the problem I "was" having. By the time I had the cleaning, the pain became less frequent. My dentist could not find anything wrong and the X-rays were normal. I told him about using the salt water. He said that was the right thing to do.
I sincerely hope your tooth gets better.

Abcessed tooth difficult to diagnose

Abcessed tooth difficult to diagnose

It looks like you are having a similar experince to what I had a couple of years ago. Before the abcess was discovered I was on oxycontin for the pain and probably antibiotics too. Abcesses can be illusive. Hopefully the salt water swish will help. If there is not a cavity in the tooth what else could cause the pain?
From somone who has had more than my share of root canals, it sounds like you might have some root irritation/inflamation/infection. The interesting thing with root irritation is it can be relieved by really odd things that you think would irritate it. I had one once that was relieved by holding very cold water in my mouth next to the tooth. Another one, like yours, was relieved by pressure.

If it is an inflamed or infected root, antibiotics would definitely be in order as this is a potential blood stream area.

I am one who hates to take meds unless I need them but I never fool around with tooth issues.
Thank You for your responses. I have aphone call in to the dentist to see if he wants me on an antibiotic. I hate to bother him on a Saturday but that's why they make the big bucks!
go to the dentist the antibiotics needed to have dental work can help a sinus infection also!!!!!!either way you get rid of the pain . the bacteria from an abcessed tooth could get into your blood stream and go straight to a bad or mechanicanical valve and cause endocarditis.


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