See Al this is why you should be glad I post.

Now First I know we are blessed and not everyone does as well as Justin, on the other hand I know many kids/young adults that have had 3 or more heart surgeries and doing great, (even if recovery was tricky HI Janet) Justin had his first 2 surgeries before he was 2, his 2nd was tough, but that was only because they pretty much rebuilt his heart, with lots of dacron, gortex and even parts of hiw own heart and pericardial tissue,was home in a week, but then started months of pericardial effusions, which was even tougher when he got RSV on top of was in and out of CHOP for the next 6 months
when he was 10 (98)he had his conduit cut and patched and got a pacemaker because during the cath the day before that showed he need surgery the next day, he went into complete heart block, He was in good shape. just finished soccer season and started basketball, He told his doc he had a band concert next week and he practiced for months and wanted to play in it so they better have him home

) He got home the day before the concert and played his drums, you should have seen the tears in other parents eyes when they saw him. Some one gave us Eagle Tix and we went to the game 10 days post op, his recovery was great, the hardest part for him was waiting to do things until he was allowed, since he felt so good physically
then when he was 15 his pacer that was in his abdomen was malfunctioning so had to come out that was just a tiny surgery we don't really count.
his last (4th)OHS was May 05,he was in really good shape,but after his appt in Jan he was restrictedfrom all activitieis, because the pressure gradient in his pulm artery was in the high 90's, he had a cath but it didn't help so basically could only go to school no gymn, and come home until the surgery, he origonally was schedualled for the conduit (part of pulm artery) replacement and get pulm valve in the beginning of March, but things happend and it wasn't until may, so I wasn't sure if the no activities for 5 months was going to make his recovery harder, but it didn't, He had his surgery on a Monday, they hardest part for the surgeon was opening his chest, because we knew his heart was fused to his sternum w/ scar, but we had picked a very good surgeon, w/ alot of exprience with both children and adults w/ CHDs, IMO surgeons that operate on kids/adults with CHD probably have the most experience on multiple redos, since many of the CHDs need at least a series of 2 or 3 surgeries to start with and then some (like Justin) will continue to need more thruought their lives.
Anyway surgery was on monday was in CCU around 5pm, up sitting in a chair the next morning then moved to the floor around noon on Tuesday (they needed a bed in CCU an he was the closest to going to the floor, so he went a little earlier than planned.) He was home on Friday, he had a small issue of pericardial effusion,and a small infection in his inision, but we caught it very quickly since we recognised the symptons and got on top of it early w/ antibiotics and motrin,(and the docs were also better at treating it than 15 years earlier, i just rechecked his page, (feel free to read the history starting may 2nd 05, if you want to see how he felt when ect)
at one month post op he felt better than he did in years, he didn't even realize just how tired ect he always was until then. that summer by about 2 months he was doig everything including surfing. the first big long thing he did was about 7 weeks post op he went to the live 8 concert in phil, which was very hot, crowded and long and he did great.
Sorry I got a little long here (again lol) Lyn