8 days and counting........i'm scared !

  • Thread starter myheartsafluttering
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I am with you almost in lock step. We travel up to Rochester on the 17th with tests and Angio scheduled for the 20th. Wish I didn't have to wait through the weekend for it to happen on the 23rd. Like you, it is hitting me hard knowing the countdown is in the single digit number of days.

Go see my family doc this afternoon to obtain a "get out of work" permission slip and to arrange a post surgery visit. Might just see if he will proscribe a mild tranquilizer :)
Wishing a sense of peace and calmness to all of you that are going to have heart surgery soon. I am expecting you all to post after your surgery and let us know how GREAT YOU FEEL! God Bless:)
i felt like i was gonna lose my mind waiting ! then-it was rescheduled!:eek:but it'll be ok! sending you good vibes! trish
hey I am having my surgery the same day the 18th and I feel the same. Time is going by so fast and I am not sure Im ready for this, but i got a quote for you that has been helping me, "God will never give you anything you can't handle." I"ll have you in my prayers.
"God will never give you anything you can't handle"

"God will never give you anything you can't handle"

hey I am having my surgery the same day the 18th and I feel the same. Time is going by so fast and I am not sure Im ready for this, but i got a quote for you that has been helping me, "God will never give you anything you can't handle." I"ll have you in my prayers.

In my country there is a saying:"Dear God, don't give me as mush as I can handle". Just wanted to wish it to everyone,in addition to your quote, as well as not having to discover how far one's limits and nerve (I mean courage) has to go.
Once you have the surgery you then have something to do...focus on recovery.:)Best of luck and prayers to all of you in the waiting room.That is the toughest part of the whole deal.

This is a great piece of advice. Thanks for the prayers for those of us with upcoming surgeries. Waiting is the worst. I recall following my spinal surgeries the intense relief and sense of working on rehab and return to normal activities (as close as that is possible).

All these threads have been very encouraging to me.
I waited almost 5 months.. Thought I would go crazy to but I prayed alot and kept myself busy. I think that was the worst part of it all the waiting. Once the surgery was done I was on the road to feeling better...Had to do some adjusting of life style but not to much. Heart wise doing great.:D Praying everything will go well and you will be telling us your experience soon....
Hang in there my friend! It will soon be over with & you will be back to doing the things you love to do! Waiting is very hard but it will be well worth it, you'll see! :)

My prayers are with you!!:)

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