7.2! Yikes!

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Hey, I love Cortez. Maybe when I hang up the finger sticker, I'll take the $50,000 and come work there for 5 years. I had dinner with Tammy & Neal (they have moved to Kansas) around Christmas and we laughed again about how he couldn't figure out how you could know so much about him when he had only been in Cortez for 6 hours.
EVELYN said:
Hi Niki

Boy, I sure hope you get better fast......it sounds like you're going through hell.
Thanks, Evelyn. This was back in December, so I am feeling better. I do keep getting stuffy/runny noses and a constant cough (this afternoon my voice even started to disappear on me), but such is my life now that I'm working in an elementary school... Those snotty, germy munchkins just won't keep their hands to themselves! :D

Still a LOT going on. I opened my very first Book Fair today and boy do my feet hurt!

And you want to talk about petechiae?! My legs look awful! And I'm supposed to be in a wedding with a dress that comes to mid-calf, and I know they'll still look awful. Anyone know any secrets for hiding it? I'd go with hose, but we're supposed to be bare foot, so that probably won't look quite right...

Guess I should get back to working on homework... Break time is over.
Niki - leg makeup should take care of covering the petechiae. That instant tan stuff. If that doesn't work, theatrical makeup will do the trick. I'm sure you could google it online and find something to cover.
Georgia said:
Niki - leg makeup should take care of covering the petechiae. That instant tan stuff. If that doesn't work, theatrical makeup will do the trick. I'm sure you could google it online and find something to cover.

Yeah, I was thinking about doing the fake tan stuff. I've never done it before, but I thought it was worth a shot. I probably ought to try it out before the wedding, though, so I don't end up looking orange (in a red dress!) for the wedding! :eek:

I figure that if they want you barefoot, then they want you natural.

I have photographed a lot of weddings and there is never an easier time to get good pictures. The radiance on the bride's face assures success. If your petechiae can overcome the bride's face, you probably won't even be able to stand up.
Gnusgal said:
And you want to talk about petechiae?! My legs look awful! And I'm supposed to be in a wedding with a dress that comes to mid-calf, and I know they'll still look awful. Anyone know any secrets for hiding it? I'd go with hose, but we're supposed to be bare foot, so that probably won't look quite right...

No chance that the dress is a polka-dotted one that would complement your legs? ;)
Gosh, who would want to have barefooted bridal attendants in February??? BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Hope the wedding is in a tropical setting.
catwoman said:
No chance that the dress is a polka-dotted one that would complement your legs? ;)
Gosh, who would want to have barefooted bridal attendants in February??? BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Hope the wedding is in a tropical setting.

Actually, it's in March. March 10th to be exact. Not sure if it will be much warmer then, but we'll be inside. She's always wanted to walk down the aisle barefoot. She gave us the option, and rather than having to buy shoes, we're doing the barefoot thing too. We'll have flip-flops on hand for outside and at the reception. ;)

Oh, and the dress is red. Which will probably highlight the red spots even more... If I get the time, I'm thinking I'll try the fake tan stuff. But how strange will it look if I have tan legs and not the rest of my body? ;)

Oh, well... much more important things to worry about in life...
Well, normally in winter you'd wear nylons, which would make your legs look tannish but the rest of you pale. How about going to a tanning booth a couple times to get a bit of color? I'm not a tanner, but for a wedding a couple of sessions wouldn't kill you.

I use "covermark" for my face (rosacea); you can find it at www.covermark.com. They have a deal where you can order samplers to find the right color - very cheap. Covermark original was designed to cover port wine stains (birth marks). It'll cover about anything, and it comes in shades from very pale to dark. It's not a semi-permanent color like tan stuff - it doesn't even look like makeup - it's very flat and non-oily. Wouldn't want to try to use it on my legs every day, but for something like this, no reason not to smear it on.
Some color will help...

Some color will help...


I can vouch for that. The red spots don't show up nearly so much on my legs (where my skin is darker) as they do when they make it all the way up to my chest.

Whatever you decide, you'll look great. I betcha with all the excitement of the wedding, etc.... no one will even notice your legs.

Best wishes,

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